The city of Pullman, Washington is the definition of a college town. There’s not really much to do besides stroll through campus or Greek row on a Friday night. As we all know, college keeps us busy, but that doesn’t mean that we should spend what is perhaps the best four years of our lives focusing on just ourselves.
A lot of us have girlfriends/boyfriends/people we’re seeing, and because of stress and our hectic schedules, we often find there's no time for dates (it’s not like Pullman has the biggest selection of places to go, either). Although this may be the case, it shouldn’t stop you all together.
Just because we live in a college town with not too many restaurants or date-like activities doesn’t mean we should refrain from taking a significant other out. There are plenty of nice, sit down restaurant suitable for a “date night.” They may not be the fanciest places you have ever come across, but isn’t that a good thing considering we are all on a college student's budget?
The classic dinner and a movie is never a bad idea, especially if you’re down for a more relaxed night. If that isn’t really your thing, there are more options. Being a college town, Pullman has a ton of indie coffee shops because students love their caffeine. Starbucks is a very short walk from campus, but if you want to stay close to home, Zoe’s is a cute little area that can offer an intimate setting. Because it is a popular study place, it's often extremely quiet and laid back, which can be perfect for some one-on-one time. If you really want to get out of Pullman, you can take the eight mile trek to Moscow, which is just as nice. It might not be much different than Pullman, but it is bigger and has more options that may be able to suit your needs.
No matter, how busy we are, it is still important to make time for these dates. Although your options are very limited here in the Palouse, when opportunity knocks, you have to answer it. Anyone who lives in Pullman is aware of the lack of romantic getaways, but sometimes even the simplest thing will work.
Don’t make it too simple, though. I’m pretty sure going on a date to the dining hall on a Friday night is not anyone's idea of fun. Yeah, it’s cheap and you can use your RDA, but it’s also very public and the romantic factor is non-existent. It is a dining hall after all.
I’m not saying that you have to take your loved one to a five-star restaurant, because let’s be honest, there aren't any in Pullman. However often times, showing someone how much you care goes a long way, especially in college. Making time for that special someone can sometimes prove difficult, but it can be incredibly rewarding in the long run.