Reading often feels like something you want to do, while watching often feels like something you can do. When faced with the question of something you can do, versus something you want to do, many will choose what you can do because it requires less motivation to finish the task.
In media, watching five seasons of “Game of Thrones” in a week seems like an accomplishment and something that is, if not aspired to, at least seen positively. This is in contrast to someone who reads the five “Game of Thrones” books in a month. From personal experience you are more likely to face questions along the lines of “Where did you find time for that?” when it comes to reading versus watching. As the watcher, however, you may be more likely to feel like you wasted the day in comparison to reading all day.
Even as both a binge reader and binge watcher, I find myself watching more than reading. If I have the motivation, a book will take me a day. This compared to a new series on Netflix, which will keep me occupied for much longer. Accessibility is also a factor in reading vs. watching. Netflix and other streaming sites seem to have infinite shows and movies to watch, while reading often requires a trip to a bookstore or buying online at the kindle store.
Watching can also be a group activity. For reading this would be difficult to achieve due to differing reading speeds and small pages. In a group of people wondering what to do for the evening, however, starting a new show can seem especially appealing. Watching in a group may seem odd at first since you can’t watch at your own pace, but after a few episodes of being able to discuss what’s happening, you may find that you have a new favorite way of watching. Which will just add to the time you spend binge watching in general.
Entertainment seekers may also choose to watch a season of a show all at once rather than read the book because they feel like they get more out of it that way. They are shown exactly what the producers want them to and are given the whole story relatively quickly. Watchers also don’t have to stay completely focused the entire duration of their show. They can leave the room if necessary or have their mind wander while partially listening to the show. Readers have to stay more alert and focused in order to get the full effect out of their book however.
Either way, binge reading and binge watching are both great ways to spend an evening (or weekend if at all possible), and you can’t go wrong with either option. Whether you are looking to relax with a nice book or relax on the couch with your favorite show playing, you are sure to enjoy the time away from the real world.