How to Beat Spring Break F.O.M.O. | The Odyssey Online
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How to Beat Spring Break F.O.M.O.

How to Beat Spring Break F.O.M.O.

Spring break is definitely one of the biggest vacation F.O.M.O. times of the year. Just like in summer and winter, it's a time when everyone you know is jetting off or packing up the car to do something Instagram-worthy. My newsfeed is generally packed with people zip lining in the tropics, tanning at the beach (usually "hot dogs or legs" type shots) or doing something else that intrigues me enough to look at all 26 new photos to the album "tHirD yEar frEsHmAn ;)". But whether you're that person editing beach pics or the person taking a break from a Netflix binge to social media stalk, I have a proposition for you: put down the iPhone, Facebook will still be there next week.

Our generation has a well known stigma of being physically attached to any and all technological devices. I can only imagine how many selfie stick pictures will result from SB 2k15 (in all seriousness, it's going to be shocking). But if you're taking a fabulous vacation, sharing the week in a beach house with your best friends or even taking a post-midterm hibernation, why do you constantly need to see what everyone else is doing? Truth is, by trying to keep up with everyone else, you might end up wondering where your week went. Or why you know more about your big's senior cruise than your hiking trip. 

In the spirit of the semester break, I think we could all benefit from cutting the cord with our Apple products and enjoying the time we have away from lecture halls and homework. Here's a little advice for every type of spring breaker to avoid F.O.M.O.:

The International Instagram-er
So you're taking a trip that (no doubt) all your friends are jealous of. Maybe you're in Europe, maybe the Caribbean... and you've got 150 candids you know will strengthen your Insta-game. Instead of sprinting to your nearest Internet cafe to post every Eiffel Tower photo you've got, maybe do something else picture-worthy instead. Don't waste precious time abroad choosing filters. That's what waiting at your airport gate is for. 

The Squad
You and all of your best friends (and sometimes whole pledge class) have caravanned to the nearest college friendly beach for a week of plastic handles and the possibility of returning home with an unfortunate tattoo. Obviously there will be countless group shots and SnapChatting of the week's ridiculousness. But if you're already with most of your social media friends, then is it really necessary to be squinting at your phone on the beach trying to make sure everyone looks tan before you post it? Save it for Sunday night, when you're avoiding getting back into school work and probably nursing a sun burn.

The At-Home Hero
You likely decided to go home because your friends are terrible at planning or because a week of HBO Go and naps beats any other option. But don't let that make you think that you have to live through your 1500 Facebook friends (because that's just what they would want you to do). Instead of giving in to the life coma that is binge watching "The Mindy Project" and wondering where every girl on social media got their swimsuits (hint: it's probably Victoria's Secret), try planning fun things in your area. Find a cool hike near you. Go to a concert. Visit a local museum. Maybe even read a book (radical, I know). Basically, do anything besides be on the living room couch all week, because it's pretty hard to enjoy what you're doing when all you're looking at are pictures of places you are not. Doing local stuff is cool too (and possibly very Insta-worthy, on Sunday of course).

Now I know this is a difficult idea to get behind. I mean, if people don't know you went somewhere, did you even go? (The answer is yes, you did, btw.) I challenge you to spend a little less time on your devices and a lot more time living in the moment of a well deserved week off. If it is essential that you post your picture immediately, then by all means do. But don't go all the way to an awesome location and waste it worrying about what everyone else is doing with their weeks. It is possible to beat Spring Break F.O.M.O., and it all starts with logging out of Facebook.

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