AFA. These three letters were just simply letters to me a year ago. They had no meaning, and I would have never been able to imagine how important those three letters would soon become in my life. You see, I entered my first agriculture class at Illinois State University last August with excitement for what the year would hold. Dr. Rhykerd warmly welcomed his class and went on to tell us some announcements. The final announcement was about the Agriculture Future of America Leader’s Conference. He told us that it was a great opportunity and that we should apply, and I did just that.
Soon, I had received word that I had been accepted to attend the conference in November. When the time came to leave for conference, I was slightly nervous, very excited, but mostly unsure of what the next few days would have in store for me.
Those days were filled with speakers, amazing people and so many important lessons. AFA seemed to be a place that I belonged; I never once felt out of place that week. I came out of the week feeling empowered. I was ready to take on the world.
Many college students will tell you about the “conference high.” This refers to that on-top-of-the-world feeling you have upon returning from a conference. The thing about the conference high is that it doesn’t last long. You settle back into life, and you forget all the things you felt at conference.
Returning from Leader’s Conference was different. That conference high never faded; in fact, I still feel it today. It wasn’t a conference high at all; it was a true change in the way I viewed the world. I felt the need to shout my appreciation for AFA to the world. Soon, I was applying to be a student leader. After a long process of applications and interviews, I was honored to be selected as a 2016 campus ambassador.
This organization is one that is hard to explain; it isn’t simply another organization you join and forget about. Agriculture Future of America is an organization that believes that its students are already leaders; they wouldn’t be at conference if they weren’t. AFA focuses on molding the skills of student leaders and preparing them for a successful career in the agriculture industry.
Bringing the top students from universities all across the United States to one conference for the week is only part of the experience. Being in that environment is the absolute best feeling I have ever had. Learning life lessons I am able to apply to my everyday life and making lifelong friends in the process made the week unforgettable.
AFA is not just conference though; the organization offers students the opportunity to attend Leader Institutes focusing on various areas of the agriculture industry. These institutes are held all over the U.S., providing students the opportunity to travel and to see the world in a different way. The organization also offers webinars and numerous scholarship opportunities.
I was able to attend the AFA Policy Institute for National Ag Day this past March. Making the voices of young people in the agriculture industry heard by legislators is so important. I learned a lot about how things work on Capitol Hill and became more confident in the message I have to share about agriculture.
I am beyond thankful for everything AFA has done for me. It has pushed me out of comfort zone so many times but has made me more confident in myself in the process. Without AFA, I would not be where I am today. I may not know what my future has in store, but because of my experiences with AFA, I can confidently say I will be able to take on the challenges life throws my way with my head held high.