Hopeless (adjective) -- beyond optimism or hope; desperate.
This pessimistic describing word is often placed in front of the word romantic. This combination of the two is a label given to those who enjoy watching a classic romance film or appreciate a romantic gesture. The more I think about this concept, the more I am offended. I am increasingly insulted because I fall into this category. I am labeled as a hopeless romantic by others and myself.
The idea of romance should not come with a negative connotation attached. I realize we are not living during the times of Romeo and Juliet and that Prince Charming is a fictional character. However, why not be optimistic in thinking my very own fairytale romance is in the future? Just because I believe in a life filled with enchantment and a happy ending should not mean that I am left without hope.
Being considered a hopeless romantic is no walk in the park. I get my hopes up time and time again. My heart bursts from my chest and butterflies attack my stomach causing a pain that is all too familiar. Tears effortlessly stream down the contours of my face because I thought I found it -- what so many people are searching for. Every time a guy I take interest in gives me this feeling, I believe he is the one; the one who can finally help me understand why I desire so passionately -- the one to make it all worth it.
I have high expectations and am often let down because I view relationships and the world differently than other people. A look through my optimistic romance lenses shows every couple on their way to walking down the aisle. Every man and woman in a romantic relationship is truly in love. And everyone is destined to find his or her perfect match. There is someone for everyone, whether you have met him or her already or not.
My generation is undeniably immersed in hookup culture, so I respect those who value something more than a one-night stand. I have the ability to recognize a healthy, stable, and loving relationship -- this is what I strive for, what I hope for.
I believe in love at first sight, soulmates, and that it is possible for a romantic comedy to unfold before my eyes in real life. How bad I want to kiss a lover in the rain or during a light snowfall is probably unhealthy at this point.
I am not expecting to find a partner who thinks and feels the same way about this as I do. I simply want someone who does not disregard romance -- someone who would never look at me and see a desperate girl with unrealistic expectations on love and relationships.
It can be pretty difficult, but I am going to attempt to stay hopeful, no matter how hopeless everything seems. And to all the hopelessful romantics out there -- you should too.