5) A classic: Coupon book! | The Odyssey Online
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Broke College Kid? 5 Gift Ideas To Show Your Love During The Holidays - No Pennies Necessary

EESSHHH. So much love in your heart, so little money in that bank account. Here's how you do Christmas in College.

Broke College Kid? 5 Gift Ideas To Show Your Love During The Holidays - No Pennies Necessary

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Mom, Dad, BF, GF, BFF4Life. We all have someone special in our life who deserves the world and plus some. Yet, we open up our wallet to find nothing but a half used Starbucks gift card and a couple pennies. Sigh. We've all been there, dude. So what do you do? It's time to get creative.

1) SPA DAY. Aye! Pamper that special someone, at home of course.

Get your massage hands ready. Cut up some cucumbers and make a homemade face scrub. Set up a mani/pedi station. Find a nice, relaxing playlist. Make a few of their favorite snacks and fruit-infused water. It is a gift to our bodies to take care of them, and your loved one will totally think you are the sweetest person ever for this. (we all know you are, *winky face*) Really do it up and make this something special! It'll be fun for the both of you.

2) Let's go old school. Burn them a CD of all their favorite songs.

Include songs you both sing along together to in the car, songs from their favorite band, and music that makes you think of them. If you're feeling fancy, write up a note as to why you included the songs you did, and you should definitely be on the receiving side of a loud and elaborate "awwww!"

3) For my creatives, make your person a short movie of all your pictures and videos together.

I've created a few short movies for special occasions in the past, and it always goes over so well. There will be snapchat videos and throwback photos they might've forgotten about, and that'll definitely pull on their heart strings. Not only is it an intimate and thoughtful gift, but it is also a ton of fun to create.

4) Make a jar full of personalized messages from you.

Another gift I have had the privilege of creating was a jar of messages for my besties birthday! I included little notes about the things I love about her, old memories that I knew would make her smile, and inspirational quotes I knew she would like. This is a gift that will last over a long period of time because they can open up a new message every day. It's a creative way to not only make a holiday exciting, but to gift a gift for everyday life. Boom. Amazing friend award.

5) A classic: Coupon book!

Who hasn't made one of these before? "One free load of laundry." "One free meal made by me." These never get old, and will again be a long term gift to your loved one.

No matter what you decide to give, do it with love. Try not to treat the holidays as a money exchange by giving a gift to get a gift. On the other hand, don't feel pressured to spend money you shouldn't be spending. It truly is the thought that counts. Use these ideas, or simply draw inspiration from them, and make that special person smile! At the end of the day, it's about spreading and showing love.

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