It is here, the moment you have been waiting for since midterms: holiday break. Now that it is here, there are a couple things that are bound to happen...
1. When your parents start asking you to do things the moment you get home.
2. When you finally check your grades and your bank account balance.
3. When you get to see your dog all the time for multiple weeks.
4. When you finally get the chance to eat a well-balanced meal.
5. When your relatives remind you it's OK to be single because they think you're a total catch.
6. When you are at a family Christmas party and your relatives start asking weird questions.
7. When you finally reunite with your best friends from home.
8. When you stay out a little too late according to your parents.
9. When your family asks why you took a yoga class.
10. When you see people from high school and they ask if you are dating anyone.
11. When the last week hits and you are very much ready to be back with your college friends.