I am a Hispanic woman who is a victim of sexual harassment and I am voting for Donald Trump.
Some call me crazy. Others call me stupid. Most just call me wrong. Because if I'm Hispanic, a woman, AND a victim of sexual harassment, then why in the world would Donald Trump have the privilege of getting my vote? Wouldn't what I've been through make me hate him based on his actions? Wouldn't I, as a Hispanic woman, hate him based on words he's said against other women of my ethnicity? Well, it makes sense that I should. But I don't. And here's why.
Consider his running opponent, Hillary Clinton. To some, that woman's name sounds like a saving grace. But to me, all I hear is 30,000 emails, Benghazi, guilty rape lawyer, stolen government property, and the list goes on and on. Hillary Clinton is no saving grace. Hillary Clinton may be, dare I say, a disaster zone.
Think of the logic: Scandals. Broken laws. Hidden and deleted emails. Stolen government property. And her husband was a real winner, too. His rape associations did not stop when he left office and they will continue with his wife whether people want to accept it or not. Sure, Bill may not be directly in office anymore, but his wife very well may be, come November. And with her comes him and all of the baggage from the past; he will still be in office - and that's not even the deal with Hillary directly.
If you want to learn specifics about the Benghazi scandal, I urge you to look it up. If you're interested in knowing more about Trump's latest audio clip, feel free to Google it. I would rather you get your facts from a place where that's exactly what they are - facts.
When people hear that I'm voting for Trump, they look at me like I have three heads. "Oh, you must not have heard the clip, then," they say. To which I respond, "Oh, no, I heard it, and that still doesn't change my vote." The point is, I don't stand for breaking the law. I am a citizen of this wonderful country and I want the leader of this wonderful country to not stand for breaking the law either - it's as simple as that. I don't want to follow someone who tells us "Do as I say, not as I do," because that is just wrong. No one is above the law, not even the president of the United States. And so far, based solely and what I just said, there are only one out of the two candidates that is already qualified to be in office. Ahem. ONE out of the TWO.
Then comes the point of Trump's federal taxes. Again, I urge you to look up details of this because I want you to have the most accurate information before forming an opinion. In this case, I guess for me, that's still something that's buzzing around in my brain. This election is something where there is so much grey area with everything - it's hard to determine what we believe about every little thing.
As for the moral conducts and standards that come with the two primary candidates... Well, in my opinion, we're told to choose between two buffoons. Trump is loud, snarky, overbearing, and truthful to a fault. Hillary is scheming, determined, and ready to cut if she wants to. But I guess when dealing with something like politics, you have to think about this: would you rather an overbearing and insensitive loudmouth who says whatever he wants backing our nation or would you rather a scheming criminal behind innocent deaths ready to cut if she wants to backing our nation?
It's time for us to choose our leader. This year is tough - possibly one of the toughest. But, we all have a civic duty. I know who I'm voting for. Because even though I have been sexually harassed, I am Hispanic, and I am a woman, I would rather have loudmouth Donald Trump than criminal Hillary Clinton behind our nation any day, anytime.