Back in 2008 America made history with electing its first African-American president. Eight years later, we have another opportunity to make history. Hillary Rodman Clinton has become the first woman to clinch the presidential nomination for a major party as a woman. America has the potential to finally put a woman in the White House, but is she the right woman? I don't think so. And here's why.
First off, we need to realize that this election isn't about electing the first woman just because it hasn't been done befor. It's about our future, and it's about choosing the best person for the job. Secondly, we need to open our eyes to what she really stands for, and I can tell you this, it's not women's rights.
Back when Donald J. Trump earned the Republican nomination, he gave a speech in which he stressed how ready he was to "Make America Great Again" and take on Hillary Clinton, saying the only thing she had against him was that she is woman. He was right; the only thing Hillary has on Trump is that she's a woman running a campaign based mostly on women's rights. But how much of an advocate for woman's rights is she? The number 38 should speak for itself when we talk about Mrs. Clinton. Why? Because in the Clinton Foundation male executives are paid 38 percent more to the dollar than women are. Clinton said herself that equal pay is "long overdue" and that it will be the forefront of her campaign yet in her own foundation she's yet to execute what she preaches.
Aside from the number 38, another major problem for the one some call "Crooked Hillary" are the donations she most graciously receives from over seas. The Clinton foundation has received millions in donations from countries in the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and many more. Seems like no big deal right? But let's not forget that these countries totally suppress woman leaving them with virtually no rights whatsoever.
Hillary Clinton's hypocrisy seems to just be overlooked by most for some odd reason. She claims to be such an advocate for woman yet has no problem taking donations from areas of the world where women are seen more as property than as humans. This is not a candidate that's in this election to change anything. Hillary is another all-talk, no-action politician that is in the race for her own personal benefit. No real advocate for women would ever pay male employees 38 percent more than females and they certainly wouldn't take millions from countries that practice the total opposite of what she claims to stand for. The people of this fine country are tired of being lied too and tired of the same old corruption from Washington which Mrs. Clinton will undoubtedly continue.