People who don’t know anything about Blacksburg might look at the size of this small town and assume there's nothing to do. If you enjoy nature at all then this is far from the truth, because there is so much to do in the area.
As I expressed in Top 10 Moments at Virginia Tech, exploring the New River Valley is a must for every Hokie. Having already gone to a lot of the popular hiking spots, I am still excited to keep going before it gets cold.
Many of these hiking opportunities are along The Appalachian Trail, which runs from Georgia to Maine. One fourth of the trail is in Virginia as it runs the entire length of the state, allowing us to explore all the mountains of Southwest Virginia have to offer.
McAfee Knob: This section of the Appalachian Trail in Catawba, Virginia is a beautiful place to go hiking. This 8-mile hike will take a good portion of your day but is definitely worth it. You cannot leave the top without getting a picture on the ledge. Depending on how tired you are feeling you can take the fire road instead for a more leisurely hike.
Dragon’s Tooth: Also on the Appalachian Trail, this hike is much shorter than McAfee Knob but it is more difficult. It's length is about 5 miles but it is not too hard until you get near the top. The last mile is much more strenuous and is more like rock climbing rather than hiking. Finally once you get to the top, you have the opportunity to climb up to the very top point of the “tooth”. This view is amazing and well worth the struggle.
The Cascades: This 4-5 mile hike is much more relaxed with bridges and steps making it easier to hike than places like Dragon’s Tooth. While there is no overlook or view of the surrounding area, the waterfall is beautiful and refreshing if you feel like taking a quick dip. Don’t forgot a few dollars to pay for parking when you go out to Pembroke. This is a great thing to do on a beautiful fall day but it is also a must to hike The Cascades when they are frozen. It will be unlike anything you have ever seen.
Bald Knob: Mountain Lake also is Pembroke is where Dirty Dancing was filmed. This is a gorgeous area. While exploring the grounds, be sure to check out Bald Knob. This is the shortest hike on this list and a perfect spot to watch the sunrise or sunset.
Pandapas Pond: If you are not looking for a long all day hike this is the perfect place to go. You could even study while still enjoying the outdoors. Not too far from campus this a great area to get away to. With a one mile loop you could even get in some exercise.
While this is not everything there is to offer, this is a great place to start. You surely will not want to hike these trails alone so grab your sisters, brothers, or friends; enjoy the company and most importantly enjoy the ride in your journey of life.