I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry for being me. I'm not sorry for making the decisions to get to where I am today. I'm not sorry. But let me tell you, I do apologize when I am in the wrong. And I will admit when I'm wrong. But what I won't apologize for is being me.
I'm not sorry for being too nice
I'm the type of person that will give second, third, fourth, and fifth chances. I like to believe in the good in humanity. And in a world full of evil, I like to believe that everyone has good in them.
I'm not sorry for liking children more than adults
I would rather spend my day with a room full of children than a room full of adults. Want to know why? Because they are innocent. Those children believe in fairy tales, happily ever after, and everyone being a good guy. I would rather spend my day helping those kids believe in the magic versus the adults who know the evils of the world.
I'm not sorry for believing in Happily Ever After
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust. Disney teaches you that. It also teaches you about happily ever after. And guess what? I believe in that, too. However, happily ever after doesn't mean married and children. Happily Ever After, to me, means you're achieving the goals that you set and working towards completing the next goal.
I'm not sorry for leaving people behind
If they aren't helping to make me a better person, then I don't want them in my life. If they are putting me down or getting in the way of my dreams, then I definitely don't want them in my life. There are certain people in my life that I want in my life, and if someone doesn't fit that mold, I'm not sorry for cutting them off.
I'm not sorry for doing what is best for me
From moving out of state to working through school, I'm not sorry for doing what's best for me. Moving schools, changing majors, going out on the town, and staying in and watching Netflix--I am happy doing what is best for me.
I'm not sorry for doing what is best for me, and you shouldn't be sorry for doing what is best for you. Cut people out of your life, move states, change schools, believe in Happily Ever After. Do what is best for you, and the rest will fall into place.