Dear Future Me,
Hi! How are you? I doubt you’ll remember writing this letter, but I hope it brings back some good memories. It’s May of 2016 right now. I’m about to graduate from high school in a few weeks, and I’m getting ready to take on the daunting task that is known as college. Do you remember all the stress and worry you had about going to college? Do you remember the days when you wanted nothing more than to curl up in a nest of blankets and hide from the responsibility looming over you? Maybe you do remember or maybe you don’t. Either way, those days are frequent right now.
Anyway, 2016 has been a good year. This is the year you found out who your closest friends were. Those are the friends you promised to never let go. I hope you kept that promise. It’s also the year you got to be a Disney princess for a few magical days. 2016 also happens to be the year you became obsessed with Hamilton, the Broadway musical. If you haven’t listened to it in a while, do yourself a favor and listen to it.
Random question: does the world still have guacamole? Sweet mercy, I hope the world still has guacamole. If the world doesn’t have guacamole anymore, then we are living in a sad world.
Well, enough about guacamole and past me. What about future me? When are you reading this letter? Are you out of college? Do you have a family of your own now? Where are you living? Do you still live in the same town? I always wanted to move to big city like Chicago or New York. I hope you achieved that dream.
It’s interesting to speculate about where I’ll be in the future. I like to imagine that I’ve graduated from college, have a boyfriend/fiancé, and live in an apartment. I, like most girls, love to imagine what my wedding will be like. Will it be small and private? Or will it be big and loud? What kind of dress will I end up with? Who’s the wonderful man I am going to marry? Once you’ve figured it all out, please write it down. Write down every detail so you can look back and say, “I remember this.”
Onto the next subject. How often are you in contact with your siblings? Are they all spread out around the world living with families of their own? Do you call them and tell them that you miss them? Do you all go home to spend the holidays together with your parents? Do your parents still live in the town you were raised in? Maybe they moved to Florida. They always said they wanted to retire somewhere where it was warm. Wherever they are, I hope they’re happy. Wherever you are, I hope you’re happy. I hope you find this letter and look back and remember all the happy memories you made in 2016. Laugh, smile, and remember, “I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up.”