3. Look at the menu ahead of time. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Tips To Stay On The Health Kick While Traveling This Summer

If you are worried about keeping up with your healthy routine while vacationing this summer, these six tips below are for you!

6 Tips To Stay On The Health Kick While Traveling This Summer

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Throughout the spring semester, I became much more health conscious. I had been eating the right things and exercising often. Sadly, summer vacation can easily get the best of our routine, especially when it comes to traveling. Here are six ways to stick with your healthy habits while traveling this summer!

1. First stop: grocery shop.


The very first thing my family does when we arrive at our destination is grocery shop. We buy cereal and other quick breakfast necessities, easy dinners for lazy nights, and loads of snacks to get us through the week. Instead of buying Pop-Tarts and potato chips, opt for fresh fruit and veggies. My favorite quick breakfast is oatmeal with fruit. Salad ingredients are also a must! Don't force yourself to buy anything you don't enjoy - simply think of your favorite healthy meals and snacks and toss them in the cart! This will make it easier not to splurge on the bad stuff when you're inside your condo or hotel room.

2. Pack healthy snacks.


Whether you're going to be site-seeing or relaxing at the beach, you're bound to get hungry. To avoid an unhealthy purchase from a vendor or gas station, pack a few snacks in the morning to go! Some of my favorite snacks are veggies with hummus, apples with peanut butter, and trail mix.

3. Look at the menu ahead of time.


Although we buy groceries, eating out is one of the best parts of vacation. If you decide to go out to eat, Google the menu of the restaurant and decide what to order before you walk in the door. Don't open the menu in the restaurant and definitely order first - no pressure to change your mind!

4. One cheat per day.


Don't forget - you are on vacation! If you want dessert, go for it! To help avoid eating something sweet with every meal, give yourself one cheat each day, whether it's a piece of chocolate cake after dinner or an ice cream cone on the beach! Treat yo self!

5. Make water your number one travel buddy.


We have all been told how important it is to drink water - and it is! Pack your favorite water bottle and keep it with you wherever you go. This will not only help keep you hydrated in the likely high temperatures but it will also make you less hungry, causing you to avoid snacking too much throughout the day.

6. Walk and bike as much as possible.


Being active is a large part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you want to be active during your vacation, walk and bike rather than driving. Many cities and popular vacation spots have bke rentals. This is also a fun activity to do with friends and family! Walking is also a great way to exercise and definitely an option if you are staying somewhere within walking distance of restaurants and other attractions!

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