9. Overnight oats | The Odyssey Online
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10 Healthy Snacks For The Girl On-The-Go

Eating healthy isn't always easy, but these simple snacks are!


These snacks are super easy and healthier alternatives to snacking on junk food throughout the day. With just a little prep and motivation, you're on your way to a healthier lifestyle with these filling snacks.

1. Frozen yogurt covered fruit

Just dip your favorite fruits in some yogurt and pop them in the freezer! A delicious alternative for your sweet tooth.

2. Bananas and apples with peanut or almond butter


A perfect protein-filled snack for a long day - just pair with your favorite nut butter!

3. Rice cakes

Rice cakes come in many different flavors and are very low in calories! A good substitute for a small snack in-between classes.

4. Trail mix and snacking nuts

This is the easiest snack to take on-the-go since it's already pre-packaged! Just stock up your pantry and take some for the road.

5. Energy balls

Pinterest is filled with various amazing recipes for homemade energy balls. My personal favorite I've made so far are Nutella chia-seed protein balls! You can make these for dessert, too!

6. Veggies and crackers with hummus

You can pair any vegetable or crackers with hummus. My personal favorite is roasted red pepper hummus which you can find anywhere in stores like Target or Walmart!

7. Avocado toast

A classic favorite. You can never go wrong with avocados!

8. Protein bars

Anything from Clif bars to KIND bars are the perfect meal substitute when you have class during lunch hours.

9. Overnight oats

These are easy to take on-the-go as well since you can prep them the night before and they're all ready to go the next morning!

10. Skinny popcorn

If you have a bad binge-snacking habit like I do, skinny pop is your friend! Lower in calories and tastes just as good.

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