You have no friends because you are tired of trying. You are tired of being the one that cares the most. You’re tired of reaching out to someone, who has no response in return. You can’t be sitting waiting for that text back, that call back, that snap back. Because this pressure will kill you inside.
You are a fighter, but only inside. People think you are such a sweet person that they can walk all over you and tell you what to do. But you can’t live that life. You are meant for so much more in life than to be someone else’s doormat.
You are strong and do not need this. You don’t need someone who doesn’t need you. You don’t need to impress anyone, or boast about yourself, or open up to anyone about anything you don’t want to open up about.
You are fierce. You have seen it all, the people, the excuses, the lies. And you’re tired. You’re tired of trying and not getting anything back. You’re tired of people not respecting you as a person when there is no reason for them not to.
You are a warrior. You are beautiful, and friendly, and caring. You care more than they care, and that’s not fair. You feel like you need to act a certain way for people to like you. That is not true. You may need to act a certain way for these people to like you.
You are unstoppable. You have gone through too many friends to count, and some are now only acquaintances. How can someone you used to spend every day with become a distant reflection of your past?
You are bare. You feel like people have seen and battered all of you. But these people know nothing about you. These people know you as the weak, pathetic and dull person that you are not. These people do not know you. They know a person that was you, a person that you are not anymore.
You are evolving. You are learning who you are. And you don’t want to be known as the person that they think you are.
You are brave. You have learned to let people go, and learn from people instead of letting them hurt you. You may think you’re feeling numb to this hurt, but you’re really just getting stronger.
You have all the time in the world. But right now, these people have no hold over you because you control your own actions and emotions. You need to be your own friend and no one else’s.
You are free. You have no friends because you are your best friend. And anyone would be lucky to call you their best friend.