"Potential" is one of the worst words you can use when trying to help someone understand the possibilities of their own life. I have this opinion because I and other people around me have been monstrously influenced by the word potential. I understand the intention of that word. One may be hoping to produce a sense of invigoration or motivation to excel in life. However, my prejudice toward this word lies in the hollow promises of most potentials. Additionally, offering grandiose possibilities to someone may do the exact opposite of the inherent intention. Either way, my stance on the usage of this word is strong and with experience (possibility of not working hard because they have the false sense that they could be somewhere special doing something great).
Maybe it is the implications of the word potential that are either misunderstood or go completely unidentified. An athlete is told time and time again about their potential. This is clearly used as a tool to drive someone to the next level and fulfill that fabricated dream. However, I have seen many athletes take this form of coaching as fact. The reality is athletes are abundant, and achievements are far out of reach to most players. This is the misunderstanding. When your mentors talk about potential, they are really just showing you that they care. These people want the best for you. However, do not take their blueprint of your life as reality. Each person sets their own potential, and the only time it should ever be talked about as fact is when those possibilities have been reached.
There is an integral aspect of potential others and myself did not recognize in the past. The most fundamental element of potential is hard work. I will say, if you do not strongly attach hard work with potential in your life, you will be sorely disappointed when you do not succeed. This kind of naïve performance leads to a bitter and confused conclusion. Working hard leads people beyond their potential every day. In fact, talking about hard work should be advertised in every locker room, classroom and workplace in the world. Potential is nothing but an inhibitor without that connection.
My final word on this subject is an example of someone we all know. In fact, I thought this kind of person may be a product of the millennial generation. After speaking with Gen-X and even Boomers, I have realized the person I am about to talk about is not just a sad consequence of our generation. The person I am talking about is surprisingly smart. In fact, their SAT scores and academic accolades may put most people to shame. With that knowledge, you simply expect a person with such talents to succeed in life. Once again, too many people peppered him with possibilities of six-figure jobs and attendance at prestigious universities. When teachers, parents and friends made that misstep, there was an implication. The implication being "You are smarter than most people. As a result, you will have no problem reaching goals you set for yourself." This person thought they could mosey through life without putting forth the work to make those potentials reality. The saddest thing about this kind of person is they have so much to offer the world, and yet they never come to realize their potential was their biggest enemy.
As a final note, use hard work to describe successes. The word potential is nothing more than a benevolent word that causes way more harm than it does help. On the other hand, hard work is clear and understood easily. Work hard for your successes. Do not rely on your potential to do anything for you.