Peter ended the season with nobody but ends up getting back together with Victoria F. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things Hannah Ann Cozying Up With Josh Dobbs Could Mean For ‘The Bachelor’ Season Finale

Can we just get this season over with already?

10 Things Hannah Ann Cozying Up With Josh Dobbs Could Mean For ‘The Bachelor’ Season Finale

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A photo has been released showing Hannah Ann Sluss getting super cozy with the Jacksonville Jaguars' QB Josh Dobbs.

Now that Peter is down to Madi and Hannah Ann, the EASY answer is to assume that this means he picked Madi.

But, Bachelor Nation knows better than to believe everything they hear. With all of the drama and teasers that are out there for the season finale, we just are all ready for this damn season to end already.

But what does this mean for "The Bachelor" finale? Well, we can only hope that this news is true and one of these theories pans out for Bachelor Nation.

SEE ALSO:10 Predictions For "The Bachelor" Season 24 Finale They Claim You CAN'T Predict

Madison gets the final rose and says no.

Victoria F. is pregnant and comes back to tell Peter SHE is pregnant from their night in the Fantasy Suite

Someone is pregnant...?

Hannah Brown swoops back in and professes her love to Peter and he wants her back

Madison and Peter live happily ever after

Hannah Ann just got caught cheating

Peter ends up with nobody and then begins a relationship with his producer

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