There is a girl that inspired me to write this article.
I see her everyday and she is always doing the same thing. I see her walking towards me and I get ready to exchange a friendly smile, but I am mis-leaded for she is occupied with other things.
I quickly discover than I was nothing of worth compared to the device she firmly grasped in her hands. I watched as she carefully held it conscious of the possibility of dropping it and shattering the screen. Whatever was on that screen deemed more worth than a simple smile, must have been something extraordinary.
Something beyond our wildest dreams. Something so great, you ignore the rest of the world to remain your eyes glued to the screen.
The image I have provided for you, is the image of our youth today.
Cell phones has taken over our world and our lives. If you go to a school, a mall, a restaurant and simply take a look around, you will find the vast majority of the people at this location have their heads down and are silently flicking their thumbs onto the screens of their cell phones as they scroll through Facebook or Instagram or Twitter.
Social media, games, instant messaging, these are the gods of our time. These are the things we hold most high.
I challenge you to stop.
We are not promised tomorrow so why are we wasting countless hours with our eyes glued to a screen rather than glued to the eyes of a loved one?
Why are we spending money on the next big technological device rather than supporting a child in Honduras?
About a year ago, I deleted all of my social media for about a week and that week made me realize that I am dependent on my phone. It was so hard not to just open my phone while walking to class and check the newest fad on Twitter or check the snapchats from my friends.
At the end of that week, I was happy to download all of my favorite social media apps again but I didn't find happiness in them anymore. The hole in my heart wasn't filled by Facebook videos or funny Vines anymore. It was now filled with friendships and laughter and I was able to make time for God.
My cell phone is definitely an idol I hold above God sometimes and I am pledging to stop this. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, these things can be good.
You can use it to reach out to the world but we need to be aware that we aren't placing this over the things in life that are truly important. I challenge you to try giving up Pinterest or Tumblr for a week and see what happens.
So friends, remember to hang up and hang out.