We all fall victim to some tiny habit in one form or another that is unhealthy for us. Whether that be biting your nails or skipping breakfast, our busy lives are stressful enough without adding in unhealthy habits to the mix. Here are five habits that we should all quit immediately:
Comparing ourselves to others
The grass is only greener on the other side if you neglect to water your own lawn. Instead of focusing on what others have or what others can do, focus on your own abilities. If there is something you want or would like to be able to do - work for it. The time spent focusing on other’s goods is time that could be spent improving our own selves in one aspect or another. It is so crucial that we build ourselves up instead of tearing our sanctuaries to the ground.
Believing we are licked before we begin
Failure is scary. Believing you are staring defeat right in the eye is enough to make anyone run and hide. I have talked myself out of so many amazing opportunities because I convinced myself I would fail in the long run. The worst part about failure is not getting back up after you’ve been knocked down (cliche, but true). Failure is merely an opportunity to try something again, but in a different manner. Some aspirations may seem too challenging to ever be possible, but if you don’t try, you’ll never know.
Tearing ourselves down
The biggest roadblock I have ever face and will continue to face is myself. We are our own worst enemies. As if there aren’t enough negative comments circulating around us each and every day, the last place we need deterioration coming from is within. Once we learn to accept our imperfections we can truly be happy.
Making excuses for staying in harmful relationships
Whether familial, romantic, or platonic, a bad relationship is a bad relationship. If someone makes you feel as though you aren’t good enough for them, leave. If someone is tearing you down more so than building you up, leave. You don’t owe it to someone who treats you poorly to stay. First and foremost, worry about your health. Don’t ever feel bad for leaving a relationship that does more harm than good.