8. Prioritize responsibilities based on due dates and work shifts | The Odyssey Online
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15 tiny and timeless habits to Make the big moments less stressful

So much stress, yet so little satisfaction.

15 tiny and timeless habits to Make the big moments less stressful

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"Life is good."

While life is definitely a gift that can be good or bad depending on influencing factors and mentality, it requires a lot of commitment and learning in order for it to be satisfactory. There is no doubt that everyday factors become stressful, but as somebody who has suffered from stress and having a hard time coping with sudden changes, any kind of responsibility or change will benefit you more than anything for years to come.

There are many things that can be considered stressful and there are many things that can be done to alleviate it for everyone, but it's a matter of knowing what is essential in life and finding the right alleviation.

1. Set a consistent daily routine

Just one way to find happiness in life


A flexible routine is the master key to a smooth flowing lifestyle.

2. Find a drink or a snack that never fails

The beauty of Starbucks


Bonus points if it's from Starbucks and caffeinated.

3. Always budget and prioritize needs over treats

Always look out for your monthly budget!


Remember to pay those pesky yet essential monthly bills (e.g. phone, rent, utilities, food) before you treat yo' self!

4. Explore familiarities

The beautiful fountain (heart) of Pullman Square in Huntington, WV


You just never know what opportunities are in store (literally and figuratively).

5. Find a place that helps you clear your mind

Nothing like the top of a mountain or cliff to take your mind away


Whether it be somewhere high in nature, a dark room, or a store, there is always somewhere for everybody to unwind.

6. Listen to the radio and find a playlist or genre of music

Apple Music will always be the best


Listen to certain radio stations, perhaps download Shazam (which is a life saver for when a nifty song comes on and you just have to find the name), and find that genre that fits with any mood

7. Take advantage of good weather

Nothing says satisfaction like green trees, a blue sky, and a bright sun


Have your happiness and enjoy it too. Having time in the sun not only leads to feeling more awake and happy, it also provides life saving benefits such as Vitamin D and a balance between melatonin and seratonin (which regulate sleeping patterns).

8. Prioritize responsibilities based on due dates and work shifts

As long as you know what is most important or what needs to be done first, prioritizing is the knife that cuts and smooths it out.


When in doubt, pay attention to the current day of the week, the responsibility at hand, and when it needs to be completed. Then find a way to complete what is due soonest or what will take the most time and be most important in the future.

9. Find a social group with personable people

Being in a group with diversity where everybody gets along is the way of life


There are plenty of people out there to get along with; it's all about finding what really satisfies you and knowing what makes you who you are.

10. Try to discover a random hobby

There are tons of things to do, and for all you know, you might enjoy all of them!


Just another reason to branch out and try new things whenever life becomes too much.

11. Take weekend or day trips

New York City is the ultimate day trip


Venture out to that big city whenever you have a free weekend. Although it is not something that can be done every weekend, the weekend is the best time to check it out.

12. Volunteer to help others

Volunteer and make a positive difference!


Whether it be something such as community service, helping the poor, or looking after dogs or kids, volunteerism is a free way to help yourself and others.

13. Discover something productive to research

There are all kinds of things to learn about online!


Researching, reading, and learning about any miscellaneous subject is not only beneficial for literary skills, but it can also help you discover what exactly makes you happy and can even guide you towards a lucrative career.

14. Figure out your work style

Keep those highlighters bright and handy!


You will be taking a lot of notes, memorizing a lot of things, and using them to live right, but do anything to make them stand out and best suit you. Work becomes easier when you create a positive environment to work through.

15. Take it one day at a time.

Take it one day at a time because you can't change the past or predict the future


Although some planning definitely helps, it is best to first focus on the issues that occur during the current day so that they do not become issues in the long run. Take it one day at a time and remember that no matter what, you can get through it.

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