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It’s Scientifically Proven That Guys Look Better In Suits–Trust Me I Have Pictures To Prove It

Suits are every girls' weaknesses, don't lie.

It’s Scientifically Proven That Guys Look Better In Suits–Trust Me I Have Pictures To Prove It

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Sure, some girls like their men shirtless, in workout gear, and other various clothing items, but for me, there is nothing like a classic suit. No matter what color or type, any man in a suit is due to look handsome.

Here are 15 photos that prove it:

1. The Sophisticated Suit

"Clothes do not make the man, but they can make the woman's day if worn properly." - Unknown

2. The Business-Man Suit

"A well-trailered suit is to women what lingerie is to men." - Unknown

3. The Royal Suit

"A man should look as if he has bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care, and then forgotten all about them." - Unknown

4. The Classic Black Suit

"Every man needs a good cologne, a well-cut dark suit, crisp white shirts, and good manners." - Unknown

5. A Double-Breasted Brit Suit

A Well Dressed Man:

"His charm

will disarm, his smile in style, his fashion in passion, his words, his flirt, his tie from his shirt, to my wrists, his kiss, his kiss, his kiss!"

- Lang Leav

6. The Professor Suit

"A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life." - Oscar Wilde

7. The Flirty First-Date Suit

"Dressing well every morning acknowledges that you're preparing for something important." - Unknown

8. The Vacation Suit

"Dressing well is a form of good manners." - Tom Ford

9. The Play-Boy Suit

"A man should look as if he has bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care, and then forgotten all about them. - Hardy Amiesn

10. The Millennial Fashion Suit

"The difference between style and fashion is quality." - Giorgio Armani

11. The British Suit

"A man always expresses his own style, but doing it with class and carrying it out with dignity makes him a gentleman." - Unknown

12. The Boy-Next-Door Suit

"Fashion is a playground up until a certain age, but then you have to find your own signature and your own style." - Nicolas Ghesquiere

13. The Swoon-Suit

"A well-dressed man is the best accessory a woman can have."- Coco Chanel

14. The Man-In-Black Suit

"Clothes don'y make the man, but they can make the man look great." - Unknown

15. The Stylish Suit

"Looking good isn't self-importance; it's self-respect." - Charles Hix

And if those 15 photos don't convince you, maybe this video of Tom Hiddleston doing daily mundane things in a crisp brown suit will:

Tom Hiddleston Suits Up in This Season's Color (Brown) | GQwww.youtube.com

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