4. Sometimes they need a girl's perspective, too | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons Every Girl Needs Guys They Can Platonically Lean On

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5 Reasons Every Girl Needs Guys They Can Platonically Lean On

Throughout the years, I've realized that I get along with men better than women. That doesn't mean I don't get along with women! I just have more guy friends. That could be because I grew up with an older brother and his friends, but nonetheless, I feel as if guy friends are the best friends to have. Here's why:

1. There is little to no drama

This is the most obvious reason. I don't have to worry about boys beefing the way girls do. Guys can bicker and argue, then kiss and make up like it never happened. They almost never put you in the middle of their arguments and just deal with it themselves. There are no problems on your hands.

2. You can get advice from a different perspective

Whether it's relationships, family issues, or just plain everyday problems, guys have a different perspective than girls do. I can tell you that whether or not I take the advice, it's good to get their side of the story. They have an... Interesting way of looking at some things, to say the least. You'd be surprised–sometimes a guy's words of wisdom are just what you need to fix your problem.

3. Guys aren't typically as bad as you'd think

Sure, their sense of humor can be a little skewed and their life choices can be a little risky, but they learn just as we do. Some aren't as quick to adapt as others, but the general consensus is that boys are real people, too. Shocking, I know. Guys have emotions and problems like girls do... Well, not always exactly like girls. And while there are a lot of terrible men out there, they aren't always the bad guys. People should stop painting them all as the villains. You just have to weed out the bad ones.

4. Sometimes they need a girl's perspective, too

Some guys need to ask the tough questions. Sometimes they need boy or girl advice, help with a social situation, or even just help with a project. Sometimes girls have the magic advice to change the game. Just as they'd do for you, you'd do for them. Fresh eyes and a different mental circuit could help close the case.

5. The right ones know just what to say to make you feel better

Whether it is going out for food or just talking it out, you'd be surprised at how well most men listen. A true friend is always willing to help and you'd definitely do the same for them. They can comfort you just as well as any girl friend can. Sure, they may not be able to relate to some things, but they can sure as hell try.

My guy friends are the absolute best. I wish for people to have friends like them. They're so funny and talented in their own ways–and they aren't shitty people. They treat people right and are genuinely great people to be around. My dudes are easily some of the best friends that I have. I'm very lucky to have them in my life.

Cheers to you, boys! Let's go jam on Rock Band!

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