Alright lets be honest, if you went through anyone of your friend's phones right now you would find Pokémon GO. This game has brought back everyones favorite aspect of childhood in full force. Yet many of us (like myself) still try to play in secrecy, fearing others know of our deep love for the game. As a Pokémon GO closet player we live in fear, fear of others knowing our obsession. This Guide will help you keep your Pokémon fanaticism a well kept secret.
1. Avoid at all cost seeing someone you know at a Poké stop.
If you see someone you know I highly suggest running.
2. Try to not freak out when you hear someone yell "There's a rare Pokémon over there!"
Pretend you are out for a run and BOOK IT over there, while still seeming not to care.
3. Try to compose yourself when the server is down.
You are an adult now, you can not revert to the 2 year old version of you being told you can't have ice cream for dinner.
4. Do NOT curse out everyone around you when you catch a cool Pokémon and the game glitches.
Just take a deep breathe, and avoid destroying your phone.
5. Don't force your friend to drive a certain route just so you can pass 4 Poké stops instead of 2.
A dead give away is driving an extra 5 miles just to get to Starbucks.
6. Don't get defensive if someone takes over your gym.
That 12 year old probably wanted it more than you anyway.
7. Pretend incense is still something people burn, not something to attract more Pokémon.
"Oh yeah that is the stuff that smells good right?" Nice Save.
8. Stop insisting to your friends that you "just want to go on a walk."
Actually walking is great for your health (and for expanding your Pokémon collection). So it's really their loss.
9. Avoid doing your happy dance when your egg finally hatches.
Hopefully with these steps your secret will be safe, but lets be honest now, everyone is playing it, so just enjoy it, because lets be real, Pokémon is awesome.