Congrats! You made it through Grey's Anatomy's 13th season premiere!
There was a lot that went down this premiere, and I don't know about you, but i was hooked 100% of the time. Owen and Amelia got hitched, April had her baby in the worst was possible- then proceeded to name her the worst thing possible, Alex just about killed DeLuca, Detective Meredith made her debut, and Richard has established yet another paternal relationship with a resident.
The lay-out of this episode really reminded me of technique we would see in The Walking Dead. This episode only followed a few characters, while giving other limited (or completely lacking) screen time. Even though they had just gotten married, we saw very little of our newly weds, Amelia and Owen. I'm not even sure they had any lines. And what about Arizona? Was she still off saying goodbye to Callie (whom of which we will never see again, given Sara Ramirez's depart from the show) and just missed the whole Alex-DeLuca debacle? To be determined, I suppose. I'll be interested to see if the show will continue to follow the split-perspective theme or catch the rest of the characters up to the current point.
One thing I loved seeing was Meredith take charge. Over the years, she has been a sort of submissive counterpart to her partners-in-crime, given it be Cristina or (sob) Derek. But from the minute she got the call from Jo, she was jumped into the leader role, taking matters into her own hands. I must say, independence looks good on her. Her sense of intuition was also through the roof! She walked into Alex's apartment and went Patrick Jane all over it. Detective Mer for the win! Even though she was large and in-charge, you could see how worried, disappointed, and angry she was at Alex. She handled it all so well, though, and I'm very impressed by her growing maturity.
Let's talk about April and Jackson, shall we? I think it's safe to say that I am not April Kepner's biggest fan. I don't even like April and Jackson as a couple (put down your pitchforks, it'll get better in a second, I swear). But I am incredibly impressed by the way April stood up for herself against Catherine. Catherine can be overbearing, manipulative, and intimidating, but April was strong and never backed down. She may have gotten her new found confidence from having her child cut out of her in the worst C-section ever, because if she can survive that, she can survive her mother-in-law. While I am super happy with the way April handled herself, I am not super happy with what she chose to name her baby.
Why, April? Come on. This is just another questionable decision. You were so close.
Finally, Alex and Jo. Up into the end, every decision Alex made, made me want to rip out my hair. If he had just paused for a single second, Jo would've had the opportunity to explain that DeLuca was being a perfect gentleman and was not trying to sleep with her. Then all of this would've been avoided and the world would just be unicorns and butterflies. But, alas, we live in Shondaland, where no ones dreams come true. I do appreciate that fact that he turned himself in, and that he wasn't angry with Mer for telling Bailey the truth. Hopefully he has learned from his mistakes and all ends well- but given the looks of next week's episode, I'm not so sure.
Speaking of next week's episode- does it look a little familiar to you? It looks awfully similar to the time when Callie was taken to court for a case of malpractice just a couple of seasons ago. I'm not sure what to make of this, but I trust Shonda to shake it up a bit. Maybe she just misses her political drama, Scandal(which was postponed given Kerry Washington's pregnancy), and filled the void by throwing some court-drama into Grey's. Whatever the case (pun not intended) may be, I'm very much interested to see what Shonda and our favorite morally confused doctors have in-store for next week.