And the Greek of the Week goes to the infamous Sam Gibson from Sig Phi Epsilon. Not only is Sam known as a very personable and hilarious human being, he has just been given the honor of being the new Social Chair for his chapter.
When asked why Sam chose specifically why he joined Sig Phi Epsilon, he said it was due to the fact that going through the process he had already known a few kids from his high school within the chapter. A couple of the older members introduced Sam to their enticing chapter members and from there, Sam said he fell head over heels in love with the idea of this chapter. "The guys seemed real, and I was looking for real friends to start the beginning of my life. Right away I could honestly picture any of these guys being my best man."
Before going through the whole process, Sam said he was nervous to go through with actually joining a chapter. "It's a big decision to actually put a ton of effort into something on top of school," he said "but I couldn't be happier with my decision and my big new family I have." Along with his new brothers, Sam was most excited about being able to network with new people around campus and build relationships with others from his opportunity to join a chapter.
After winning the crazy-competitive race for Social Chair, Sam came out on top as the winner. With this position, he is in charge of planning socials and making sure that at the same time his members can enjoy their planned non alc events. Throughout the semester their non alcs include events anywhere from bowling to their favorite, cookie decorating. "Last year a ton of us got together and we had about 150 cookies to decorate for the holidays, let's just say my cookie looked too good to eat."
From Sam's accomplishments within his chapter and around campus, he is more than deserving of being University of Iowa's first Greek of the Week!