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The 7 Best Sites For Buying Thrifted Clothes

Great fashion should never go to waste.

The 7 Best Sites For Buying Thrifted Clothes

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According to the Environmental Protection Agency, each year the average American throws away nearly 80 pounds of textiles. Can you imagine how much great fashion gets thrown away? When I heard this number my jaw hit the floor. We spend such a great deal of our time focusing on reducing our carbon footprints by recycling, carpooling, and if you're like me, breaking out that awesome portable metal straw every time you go out, so why do sometimes we neglect the thought of what's in our closets? Turns out there are some pretty cool sites for buying and selling used clothes and accessories right from the comfort of your couch!

1. Poshmark

Poshmark is AMAZING for selling your old clothes you don't love anymore and buying cheap, high-quality thrift clothes sold by people just like you! The site is easy to navigate and get started selling!

2. Depop

Depop is probably my favorite site to use for this. It's super easy to understand/navigate and SOO much fun. You can follow your favorite sellers so you know exactly when all the best stuff you love goes live!

3. ThredUP

ThredUP is AMAZING for getting the best and highest quality used clothes for super cheap! They also have designer clothes for up to 90% off and it is the best thing since sliced bread, y'all.

4. Swap.com

Swap.com is super great and easy to use. Every item is HAND INSPECTED by their team to make sure it's in tip-top shape for you! If that isn't just amazing, then I don't know what is.

5. Refashioner

Refashioner is a really cool site with such a unique flair. Not only is each item posted unique and vintage, but it's one of the best for finding vintage designer clothes and each piece has a special story specific to it posted with the item! How cool is that? Each buy comes with a past you know and a future you're going to make!

6. eBay

Good old fashioned eBay always comes through. I'm not even going to go through the trouble of explaining it to you. You know the drill. Heck, eBay has probably been around longer than most of you reading this.

7. Etsy

Etsy is pretty cool because not only can you find vintage and used pieces, but also awesome new ones handmade by other people. You can save some great clothes from going to the landfills and support small businesses and people with online shops.

There are SO many more websites out there that are amazing for buying and selling thrifted clothes, and a lot of times are so much cheaper than what you would normally pay for them, which is really great if you're a broke college kid like myself. So next time you're in the market for a great new denim jacket or funky outfit for a theme party, look no further than an awesome thrift site. It helps the buyer, the world, and you. Why not?

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