Why The Golden Girls Is Still Relevant Today
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Why The Golden Girls Is Still Relevant Today

A list that no one can argue with.

Why The Golden Girls Is Still Relevant Today

Growing up, my grandmother introduced me to the wonderful world of "The Golden Girls." As I'm sure other avid watchers can agree, I became obsessed with the show. Its wit, charm, and realness kept me coming back for more. For those of you who have never seen the show, the plot revolves four women who share a home together and are nothing alike. It starred the amazing actresses Betty White, Rue McLanahan, Bea Arthur, and Estelle Getty, who felt like family to me after just one episode. As I got older and moved to Orlando for college, I would still watch it as a sort of pick-me-up, and even though this show was made in the 1980s, a lot of the themes and situations still rang true today. So, I have compiled a list of a lot of the things that I feel are still relatable to the present-day viewer.

1. Opposites attract.

This show makes it a point to repeatedly point out how different these four women are, and how that makes them go together so well. Blanche, the man-hungry southern belle who refuses to accept her age, Rose, the naive blonde from the Scandinavian town of St. Olaf, Dorothy, the intellectual English teacher from Brooklyn, and Sophia, the sassy Italian woman who doesn't take crap from anyone. That character trope is still used today, and "The Golden Girls" proves why it works so well.

2. Witty one-liners.

The writing in this show was absolutely divine. There was always at least one point in every episode that had a one-liner funny enough to have me rolling on the floor with laughter.

3. Blanche's hunger for men.

Deep down, we all secretly identified with Blanche. She knew what she wanted and she knew exactly how to get it, and I admire her for that. She owned being man-hungry and that's what made her so confident. I know this is still relevant because I was reading this list aloud to my roommate, and when I got to this point, she said, "same."

4. Good food conquers all.

Good food is the path to about 95 percent of the world's population's hearts. It was a bit that the writers would always do, where Sophia would be making some fantastic and delicious Italian dish, and Rose would be making a traditional Scandinavian dish (usually involving herring) that the girls would have to try in order to spare her feelings. It didn't matter what kind of argument the girls might have been having, because food would always calm them down.

5. Friendly rivalry.

We've all been in a position where you and a friend want the same thing and have to fight over it. Whether that be a person, a role in a show, a new pair of shoes, or whatever, we've all been there. "The Golden Girls" had this constantly happening between Rose, Blanche, and Dorothy with men, parts in musicals, and sometimes both.

6. Family ties.

There were so many funny and identifiable moments in "The Golden Girls" with the girls and their families, and especially with Dorothy and Sophia. Those two, since they lived together, had so many hilarious encounters and arguments that the audience never got tired of their dichotomy. The relationship those two had, and that they all had with their siblings and children, was so realistic and relatable that I would always think of my family.

7. The catchy theme song.

Once you've seen a few episodes and you know the theme song, you can't not sing along! It's so fun and catchy. Before you continue reading this article, do yourself a favor and listen to it now.

8. Discussion of relevant topics.

Another great thing about "The Golden Girls" was how topical the show was. Sure, there was still comedic relief, but the show talked about some really heavy things for that time such as homosexuality, abusive relationships, drug addiction, and more. As a modern-day viewer, it's really refreshing to see how the writers were unafraid of heavy content back in the early 1980s.

9. Everyone's love for cheesecake.

When in doubt, eat some cheesecake. If you know "The Golden Girls," then you know exactly why cheesecake gets its own point. Whenever the girls had a problem, they would sit down that night with a whole thing of cheesecake, and the problem would be solved by the time the cheesecake was finished. Personally, I live by the cheesecake rule, so I say it's relevant!

10. How to handle a breakup.

With four single women living in one home, there's bound to be multiple breakups with their significant others. Three of the girls are widowed, and Dorothy is divorced, so you also see plenty of her ex-husband, Stan, and the aftermath that came with the divorce.

Whether it be from arguments, wanting different things, adultery, and even death on more than one occasion, the girls lose their men many a time on-screen and the audience gets to enjoy the hilarity that comes after.

11. Friendship

No matter what, "The Golden Girls" proved that you always have your friends. That sentiment still rings true today, and I think part of it is because of those influential words, "Thank you for being a friend."

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