4. "Diagnosis Murder" | The Odyssey Online
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6 Old TV Classics That Make Netflix Originals Look Like High School Media Projects

In a world full of reality TV stars, sit back and watch some "Golden Girls."

6 Old TV Classics That Make Netflix Originals Look Like High School Media Projects

Trust me, I'm into the fad of watching famous people make fools of themselves on TV.

I get a real kick out of seeing celebrities cry about losing an earring that could pay for my college tuition and then some. But nothing beats sitting back and watching shows as old (if not older) than me.

1. "Golden Girls"

A dumb blonde, a sassy mother, a sexual vixen, and a sophisticated teacher all over the age of 50. What more could you ask for? With "Golden Girls", you got all that, plus more laughs than you can handle, stories about a town that doesn't exist (but you start to believe does), and more knowledge about "Sicily, 1922" than you could get in ten years' worth of history classes.

2. "Murder, She Wrote"

No matter where Jessica Fletcher went, she always managed to be around when a murder occurred. And she would solve it. This mystery writer/mystery solver is what first showed me the thrill of figuring out if it really was Colonel Mustard who killed Mrs. Peacock in the library with a candlestick.

3. "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman"

A kick-butt woman doctor in the old American West who really didn't need a man to survive? Sign me up to be the next her. Intelligent, independent, and took no crap from anyone, Michaela Quinn was what all women should want to be. (And no, not just because I was named after her, either.)

4. "Diagnosis Murder"

There is just something about the Van Dyke men... And this show just added to it. A doctor who just so happens to work with his cop son to solve murders: What could be better? Plus, the whole "gang" just made the show that much more addicting.

5. "Full House"

As if Uncle Jesse wasn't enough to make you watch this show, the love this wacko family had for one another did it. I know my dad would go crazy raising one girl, but Dan Tanner raised three with the help of his two crazy best friends. The overly-animated friends they made and the style made this show a 10/10, would recommend.

6. "Walker, Texas Ranger"

Who doesn't love Chuck Norris? And Chuck Norris as the law in Texas... Hot dog, I'm packing my bags and headed there now.

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