I dreamed of joining a sorority ever since I watched "Legally Blonde" for the first time as a kid. I guess you could say I was the typical sorority girl. As college came closer, I could not wait to sign up for Formal Recruitment. I filled out the form the day that it came out and could barely contain my excitement for the days to come. I tried on outfit after outfit, making sure I chose the perfect look for each night.
Bid Day came and I was elated to discover I received a bid from the sorority I had wanted to join forever. I had an awesome Bid Day buddy and I will forever remember that day as my favorite day of the year. I was so excited to meet my future Big and loved the anticipation of Big and Little reveal. Reveal week was so much fun and of course I received the best Big ever. My first year as a sorority girl has been full of formals, glitter and so much more. I never had actual siblings, but I can now say that I have thousands of sisters across the country. From losing my mother and my house within only a week's time span, they have been there to support me through it all.
Although many do not realize, Greek life is much more than meets the eye. Many say that we are air heads, yet it is proven that those in Greek life have a higher grade point average than those who aren't. Many say that we are superficial, yet we raise thousands of dollars for our philanthropy each year. Many say that we only associate with one another, yet most of us are involved in many other organizations as well. Many claim that we haze, yet we would never hurt our best friends. Many say that we pay for our friendships, yet the friendships we make are priceless. Many claim that we do not take our education seriously, yet most of us are studying to become doctors and lawyers.
Take a moment to ask anyone involved in Greek life about their experiences and I know you will be amazed. A Greek organization isn't just a four-year-fling you participate in while working on an undergraduate degree, it is for a lifetime. My sorority has granted me so many opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise and connected me with so many sweet girls. My college experience would not have been the same had I not made this wonderful decision. To those of you having second thoughts about going through recruitment, this is for you. Take that chance and I guarantee you will not regret it. I will wear these letters forever with tons of pride and love, just as I have been shown by my wonderful sisters.