We’ve all been there.
You feel like you’re not good enough. That you’re not talented enough, pretty enough, funny enough, smart enough. You compare yourself to others and always come up short to those “perfect” standards. You think your hair needs to be thicker, your thighs thinner, your smile bigger. You want to be just like that one girl with the perfect body, perfect boyfriend, and perfect life.
What you don’t know is that she has her struggles just like you do. She thinks her teeth aren’t white enough, she’s not curvy enough, and her eyelashes aren’t curly enough.
But I’m here to tell you that you are enough.
Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone is self-conscious about something. No matter how perfect their life may seem, they have negative thoughts running through their head every day. Everyone has their own imperfections that they focus on and magnify. They criticize every inch of their body because that’s what we were taught to do.
But that little zit that seems like a mountain on your face is barely noticeable to those around you. Your friends and family love you and everything about you. Imperfections and all. So quit being self-conscious of your glasses, braces, freckles, or the gap between your teeth. You are loved just the way you are. You are enough.
And one more thing, those imperfections aren’t imperfect at all. God made you special. He makes no mistakes. Those ‘flaws’ you keep stressing over are just one of the many things that makes you...you. You are beautiful, inside and out. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t let the media influence your perception of beauty. There is no perfect body and there is no perfect life.
Be thankful for all of the blessings in your life. Instead of focusing on the negatives, focus on what you absolutely love about yourself. Those striking blue eyes, that contagious smile, and the ability to make anyone laugh. You are wonderful in so many ways, you just have to open your eyes to realize your true worth. You are enough.
You have so many things to be thankful for. Look around you. Appreciate all of those caring people in your life. They love you so much, more than words can express...and you should love yourself too.
Love yourself, love your life. Embrace everything that empowers you. Be happy, kind, positive, confident, and loving. Share your happiness with others. Smile and give out sincere compliments, you might just make someone’s day. You could change their perspective of the world by just being who you are. That one simple comment about how much you liked her hair, dress, or eyes will stick with her for the rest of the day. She might stand up a little straighter, walk with more purpose, and feel more confident in herself. That dress might become her new favorite. You never know how much you might be influencing someone else’s life.
Remember that. We are all struggling. But nobody should have to.
You are beautiful, wonderful, and strong.
You are more than enough.