Samm on Instagram: “This show gives me life! 🙌❤️💁 #GirlCode #MTV #GirlCodeMTV #Yasss #ILoveThisShow #Yay #BestShowEver #Knowledge #Important #Life #GivesMeLife” | The Odyssey Online
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10 Quotes That Prove MTV's 'Girl Code' Is The Best Show

"If you're hosting a party, don't bring out anything vegan 'cause I will punch you..."


I don't remember when exactly I started watching Girl Code, but I remember almost peeing myself laughing during every episode because everything was so relatable. I honestly think it's one of the realest shows about girl struggles, from fake friends to hair advice to boyfriend drama. The one skit I will never forget is the "girl who can't walk in heels" one, where they describe girls who walk funny in heels as dinosaurs, and it's funny because we've all been there! (I'm talking high school homecoming when the walk from the parking lot to the entrance was almost unbearable, and we couldn't wait to take off our heels) I started watching reruns on MTV about a month ago, and I've decided that Girl Code was and is still the best show.

Here are 10 quotes to show you why:

1. "The girl in the magazine doesn't look like the girl in the magazine. Have a sandwich."

This is my all-time favorite quote- I like it so much that it was one of my senior quotes from my high school yearbook. Don't worry about the picture-perfect models in the magazines! Just live your life, and eat what your heart desires.

2. "It's good to be with other people that do the same thing as you and bond with them and know you're not a complete weirdo."

This is great college advice- go join a club! go rush! go play a sport! and make some friends while you're at it.

3. "If it doesn't involve food, count me out."

Major mood- If there's chips and guac, I'll be there. If not, sorry (not sorry).

4. "The strongest form of birth control has always been my personality."

Major yikes, but sometimes people you're trying to cuff just happen to see the crazy side of you before your normal side. Whoops.

5. "I don't trust people who don't eat bread."

Who doesn't like carbs?


Only people you shouldn't trust.

6. "Purses are pretty bags that let us be portable hoarders."

The bigger the bag, the more snacks we can hold and everything else that's necessary like a hairbrush, three different flavors of gum, maybe a change of shirt for after the gym... the list goes on.

7. "If I could just stay at home and sleep all day on my birthday, it would be the best birthday ever."

If you're like me and will pick sleep over a lot of things, this is relatable.

8. "I don't like to be called needy... I prefer high-maintenance because it makes me feel like a Kardashian!"

Use this the next time your significant other calls you needy.

9. "Things you shouldn't do when you meet your boyfriend's ex is meet your boyfriend's ex."

Stay. Away. From. the. Ex.

10. "People don't want to hear about your diet. Just shut up, eat your lettuce, and be sad."

We've come full circle, starting from food and ending with food. Eat what your heart desires, but maybe what your heart desires is a DIET because you've been feeling bloated. Same thing applies- just live your life, but no need to constantly remind people you're on a diet. No offense, but salads and juice cleanses are only so interesting compared to pastas and pizzas.

Samm on Instagram: “This show gives me life! 🙌❤️💁 #GirlCode #MTV #GirlCodeMTV #Yasss #ILoveThisShow #Yay #BestShowEver #Knowledge #Important #Life #GivesMeLife”

Samm on Instagram: “This show gives me life! 🙌❤️💁 #GirlCode #MTV #GirlCodeMTV #Yasss #ILoveThisShow #Yay #BestShowEver #Knowledge #Important #Life #GivesMeLife”

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