In 1984, the world was blessed with the original "Ghostbusters" and five years later in 1989, "Ghostbusters II". Well, it is now 2016, and we finally have the revival of "Ghostbusters." This time it was an all female cast, unlike the two previous films with all male leads. Just like the original, the reboot kept the same comedic feel with the "Saturday Night Live" cast members being cast in the film. Many have mixed feelings about the film along with mixed reviews but I’m going to tell you why you should watch it.
1. The original Ghostbusters make an appearance
Yes. If you also grew up having the biggest crush on Bill Murray, (because lets be honest, who didn’t?) he makes a cameo along with his fellow "Saturday Night Live" costar Dan Aykroyd. Other familiar faces that make a cameo include the other original Ghostbuster, Ernie Hudson, and Sigourney Weaver.
2. All-female lead
As if we didn’t already love Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy, we now can gush over Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones aswell. Most got to know Wiig from her stint on "Saturday Night Live" or fell in love with her on "Bridesmaids," just like McCarthy. Jones and McKinnon are currently costars on "Saturday Night Live" and if you haven’t already watched some of their skits, I suggest you do. Each of these woman brought their quirky sense of humors in to their roles but Jones and McKinnon really out did themselves.
The all female cast did spark some controversy. In the male dominated world we live in today, along with a very male dominated Hollywood, loads of viewers struggled to accept the change. To show his support for the film and Paul Feig, Dan Aykroyd when asked about the film responded, "The Aykroyd family is delighted by this inheritance of the Ghostbusters torch by these most magnificent women in comedy. My great grandfather, Dr. Sam Aykroyd, the original Ghostbuster, was a man who empowered women in his day and this is a beautiful development in the legacy of our family business."