Getting a Grip on Deflate-Gate | The Odyssey Online
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Getting a Grip on Deflate-Gate

Getting a Grip on Deflate-Gate

Last week's playoff game between the Patriots and Colts was shaping up to be one of the most anticipated games of the season. Andrew Luck, this year's Pro Bowl AFC quarterback, went up against Tom Brady in hopes of taking home his first and, debatably, most important win against the veteran quarterback. Fans on both sides watched in suspense, certain their quarterback and team would come up with the "W."

However, as the fourth quarter wound down and the coaches were escorted to center field, the score told the tale of a landslide victory. The Patriots had rolled the Colts 45-7, advancing with ease to Super Bowl 49 against the Seahawks. Such a lopsided score immediately raised questions as to what exactly could cause the Colts to stumble and the Patriots to surge to a decisive victory. Within hours of the game ending, reports began to surface of under-inflated balls being the source of Brady's three touchdown passes and the Patriots' dominating performance. With these revelations, Deflate-Gate, was born.

NFL regulations requires all game balls to be within the range of 12.5 to 13.5 PSI. Upon further scrutiny and investigation, it was revealed that 11 of 12 game balls used by the Patriots were under inflated by two pounds of air. This difference in pressure would seem barely noticeable to most people, although to players who handle footballs daily, this difference in pressure can effect performance. These effects include allowing the quarterback to dig his fingers tighter into the football when passing, resulting in being able to throw balls farther and with increased accuracy. Those carrying the ball are also able to use this tighter grip to decrease the chance of dropping the ball, or having it stripped from them.

Patriots coach, Bill Belichick ,and Tom Brady offered initial statements claiming they had no knowledge of the modified game balls. Belichick's past record of pushing the envelope with gaining advantages led many to immediately accuse him of lying. Belichick later went on record saying that he and the Patriots followed NFL rules "to the letter." Colts quarterback, Andrew Luck, has responded to the controversy by shrugging off the matter, claiming the matter has been "blown out of proportion."

The full impact of Deflate Gate on this year's Superbowl, and the NFL as a whole, remains to be seen. The NFL may attempt to let the matter blow over, or may use this case as an example to tighten up NFL rules. Until then, football fans everywhere will continue to hold their breath, waiting to see if Deflate-Gate is a game changer, or just a bunch of hot air.

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