The ideal work environment is extremely difficult to encounter. This factor can completely make or break your job experience. Several aspects of your work atmosphere need to be equally fulfilled or else the time you spend working will be dreaded. Your management, the line of work and the customers are just a few of the elements that can change your attitude towards going to work. One component that is especially important is the people you work with.
Co-workers can also influence the type of setting that is created in a workplace. Many horror stories that I have heard about work have been fueled by co-workers that do not always get along. No bond between co-workers can lead to a less cohesive team when trying to accomplish an ultimate goal. No one wants to feel uncomfortable at work because they believe that they cannot rely on their fellow teammates.
Furthermore, it is a rare occurrence when someone is absolutely passionate about their job. Most college students who are around my age have had to pay their dues and stomach a few minimum wage jobs that are far from their desired career. With that being said, the one aspect of work that there is to look forward to is the people you are surrounded by. Work can become so much more enjoyable when you are confident that your co-workers are looking out for you by doing acts such as providing help when needed or sharing a tear-jerking laugh.
In the past few months, my job has become significantly more pleasing because I have gotten to know so many wonderful people that I can officially call friends. A majority of the time I had co-workers that had never really crossed the boundary from the world of my job to the world of everything else but more have done it than I would have ever imagined. I can truly say that I genuinely love the people I work with and it has drastically changed my attitude when working. To my manager, you probably should not know that I am having this much fun at my job because it should not be allowed. Even when I am barely hanging on by a thread after a dinner rush, my coworkers always keep me from pulling my hair out which is an extremely honorable accomplishment.
If you have never experienced a close bond with any of your co-workers, it is not too late. Whether it be at a new job or your same job, try and reach out to the people that you are working with. You probably have more in common than you can fathom and you can definitely start with the fact that you two are going through the same daily struggles of working. Try and applied a positive and refreshing outlook on all areas of life because work no longer has to be the dreaded place you have to go to every day.