For some, fishing is a cherished past time between father and child. But, it does not matter how old you are, fishing can always be exciting, rewarding and as fun as you want it to be. Whether you do it for sport, leisure or business, you can always find a reason to go fishing. Here are 10 reasons to get out there and go fishing.
1. You can do it whenever you want.
Nigh fishing, day fishing, morning fishing, mid-afternoon fishing, summer, winter, fall, spring. Pick your time.
2. You do not need much skill to be able to do it.
You put bait on a hook, cast your line out in the water and wait. How hard could it possibly be?
3. Fishing clears the mind.
Fishing is a good way to just release any tension you have built up throughout the day or week, and is just overall a good way to get away from society for a little bit.
4. It is a great way to learn a new skill.
We all learned to walk over time, fishing is the same way.
5. You can take friends with you.
Whether you like being alone or you like the company of others, you can bring whoever you'd like with you! Yes, this means you can bring your cat too.
6. It is a great way to make memories.
Remember that time you caught your first fish? How about that time you went pier fishing and caught that 15 pound shark? Those are the days!
7. You do not need a boat.
There are plenty of piers, river banks, lake banks and shallow river beds (for those interested in fly fishing) that you can simply stand on to go fishing. Who needs a boat?
8. You can choose the type of water you want to fish in.
Salt water, fresh water, frozen ice; tap water for all of you interested in setting up a kiddie pool and playing those little fishing games with the kids.
9. It is a great way to bond with nature.
The more you fish, the more you get familiar with nature. You begin to learn the current and the weather patterns and what works best.
10. Anyone can do it.
Yes, even your 102-year-old grandmother Thelma can go fishing if she wants.