3. "How Popular Are Your Christmas Music Opinions?" | The Odyssey Online
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Get Into The Holiday Spirit With These 10 BuzzFeed Quizzes

Everyone loves a good BuzzFeed quiz, so here are some of the best holiday related ones!

Get Into The Holiday Spirit With These 10 BuzzFeed Quizzes
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

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The holiday season surely can be busy, with college students finishing up with finals and the chaos of shopping, cooking, and decorating for the holidays! If you are in need of de-stressing or just want to procrastinate doing anything productive, then here are 10 holiday themed BuzzFeed quizzes to get you in the holiday spirit!

1. "This Quiz Will Tell You Which Grinch You Are"



Ever wonder if you are the 1966 animated Grinch, the 2000 Jim Carrey Grinch, or the new 2018 animated CGI Grinch? Then look no further than this BuzzFeed quiz! I discovered that I was most like the classic 1966 grinch!

2. "Choose Between These Cute Names And We’ll Guess Your Favorite Thing About The Christmas Holiday"



According to this quiz, my favorite part of Christmas is Christmas dinner, which is very accurate! With so many fun holiday activities to do, find out which one you like the best by choosing your favorite names in each category!

3. "How Popular Are Your Christmas Music Opinions?"



This quiz is cool because you can pick which Christmas song is better in your opinion, and then you can see the percentage of voters who chose each option! Better get to practicing your Christmas carols!

4. "Shop At Bath & Body Works And We'll Guess If You've Been Naughty Or Nice"



Who doesn't love Bath and Body Works, with all the great smelling lotions and candles? Take this quiz to find out whether you've been naughty or nice based on your taste in Bath and Body Works products!

5. "Choose Between These Christmas Essentials And We'll Tell You What Your Crush Thinks About You"



If you wanna find love this holiday season, then look to this quiz to see how much your crush likes you! Apparently my secret admirer really likes me but just needs to strike a move my way!

6. "We Know Which Christmas Movie You Should Watch Based On The Things You Buy At Lulus"



Let your style of Lulus clothing predict which new Christmas movie you should watch! My result was the Hallmark movie, The Christmas List!

7. "How Many Of Rotten Tomatoes' Top 50 Christmas Movies Have You Seen?"



Take this quiz to see if you are considered an expert in the realm of Christmas movies! Have you seen all 50 of these classic ones?

8. "Which "Elf" Character Are You Based On What You Eat In A Day?"



Are you Buddy, Miles Finch, Jovie, or anyone of the other characters from Elf? This quiz will let you know by judging what you eat in a day!

9. "Which Ugly Holiday Sweater Should You Own?"



Ugly christmas sweaters are always a great way to celebrate the holiday festivities! Find out which ugly christmas sweater best represents you! And boy some are quite ugly!

10. "Decorate A Digital Christmas Tree And We'll Guess Your Exact Age And Height"



Decorate a Christmas tree and this quiz will tell you your exact age and height, sounds pretty cool right? I can't say it's very accurate though, considering I am not 42 years old and 6'1" but hey it's still funny!

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