People ask all the time about being strong.
Strong can be defined as "able to withstand great force or pressure." Strong does not always mean withstanding things that are physically heavy or draining in that since, but even more, so things are tough to deal with or heavy to lift emotionally.
I am so fulfilled in the Lord.
That's it. That's everything.
I can do anything.
But it's not something I've always known and I've clearly made my fair share of mistakes.
But He doesn't care.
How amazing is that? Literally HOW amazing is that?
It's honestly so unfathomable to me. So unfathomable that I struggled for a while before I felt completely secure in my relationship with Christ.
And honestly still struggle now, it's an everyday battle, it's an everyday climb - my relationship with God is a work in progress every second.
But once you realize that - it is most comforting, most fulfilling, and most graceful thing you could possibly experience - you realize it is worth every ounce of your being and every second of each of your days.
What a saving love.
What a merciful love.
God is Grace, He is love.
When something is truly weighing on your heart or on your mind, it becomes draining. At that point, why wouldn't you give it all to God?
God is all knowledgable. God knows your path and forward. He is the one who died to save from ourselves. Why wouldn't we give it all to Him? He wants us to!
I know something like giving up all control is much easier said than done, take it from me! But once it is done, it is the best thing you will ever experience.
Letting go and letting God is absolutely rewarding.
Letting go does not show your weakness. It shows your strength. It shows how strong you are.
Letting go does not mean becoming completely unattached from your situation because it is not that easy, but once God is in the drivers' seat it is going in the right direction.
Only He can bless you in the multitude of ways that is perfect for your life.
So next time you are tired of being so strong for yourself, let it go. He will catch it right when you give it up.