Why You Should Be Excited For Game Of Thrones Season | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Be Excited For Game Of Thrones Season

Winter – I mean season six – is coming

Why You Should Be Excited For Game Of Thrones Season
Today Entertainment News

In only a mere 13 days, one of the most epic television series ever is starting it's next season. That's right, season six of "Game Of Thrones" is nearly upon us, and the suspense is killing me. While some view GoT as a boring fantasy saga in a world that doesn't exist, a much larger number of people see it as an awesome show. "Game of Thrones" is my favorite television in a long time, surpassing "Breaking Bad," "The Walking Dead," "How I Met Your Mother," "House Of Cards," and "Vikings." It's more than just a long drawn out fantasy epic.

The magic of "Game Of Thrones" is similar to that of "The Walking Dead." You, as the viewer, grow close bonds to each individual character. You share their views, their worries, their fears. There's a huge backstory to every character, and the show's writers do an amazing job developing the personalities of all of them. While watching the show, we can see our characters totally change who they are. For instance, Sansa goes from being a childish pushover to a dark, maleficent, negotiator.

Another reason I find "Game Of Thrones" so entertaining is because it has a really slow plot, as contradictory as that may seem. They really pay attention to detail and the development of the plot. The story writers build tension throughout the entire season, and fill the fantasy world with interesting and compelling characters. The immense amount of building on both the story arch and character arcs each episode assures that finales are always jaw dropping and story changing.

Unlike other shows, literally no one is safe in the "Game Of Thrones" world. No spoilers, but plenty of main characters are killed off. No lies, I've cried a lot of times watching "Game Of Thrones" as my favorite characters were mercilessly killed. The plot will continue to move forward regardless of whom is still alive, and if fans really riot, they can always bring characters back using magic.

One last thing that makes it super appealing, even to people that might not like the fantasy genre in general, is the fact that it plays out more like a historical drama than a fantasy epic. The events of "Game Of Thrones" are all deeply rooted in European history, with the Seven Kingdoms representing medieval Europe, the Dothraki representing the Huns, and the free cities representing the Italian city states. The continent housing the Seven Kingdoms, Westeros, even looks pretty similar to Britain.

"Game Of Thrones" is one of those shows that comes along once in a lifetime that everyone should watch. Its sixth season is returning to HBO on April 24th at 9 p.m. EST. I can guarantee that if you tune in, it'll be a blast.

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