To my future scholars everywhere who are looking forward to be successful, remember that going to college is the start of a new chapter. To all of you beautiful smart people out there, college is a way of having fun but also having a degree. Let's all remember to stay focused and to stay true to our talents and achievements.
To all of the high school students who are successfully graduating this year from high school, remember that college is a whole different ball game. This is no longer a child zone. Once you walk across that stage and receive your high school diploma, the reality sets in. Your goal is to get jobs and recognition for your accomplishments. Let's not slack up and be lazy; time is money!!!!
Seniors in highschool, you will soon become freshmen in any university or college. So it's time to be on your best behavior and grow up. Tell yourself that you want good grades and you want to have a clean record. Times are hard in this world, and you all need to make a change for your own living. That goes for your friends, peers, and your loved ones.
Most importantly, future scholars, make sure you remain humble. Once you get accepted to a school, remember where you came from whether good or bad. You are the innovator of your own education. So consider the time now to make a change and don't procrastinate. Start your journey now!!!