One of my favorite states is Hawaii; it is a dream of mine to visit and learn the culture and ways of the land, maybe even the language. I have slowly come more and more anxious about visiting this beautiful state. Hawaii like all other places have random fun facts that are incredible or interesting to say the least. As I do my research here are 8 facts that stuck out the most to me.
Fact #1
In the 60's, Astronauts used Hawaii's Mauna Loa lava fields to practice walking on the moon and mars The hardened lava fields resembled the surface of the moon and mars. As well as learning to walk in space they also prepared themselves for the dehydrated meals they will be forced to eat. This practice helped condition the Astronauts.
Fact #2
The Hoary Bat and the Monk Seal are the only two mammals native to Hawaii. These two animals are found nowhere else in the world. The hoary Bat was named Hawaii's official land mammal, and the Monk seal Hawaii's official mammal.
Fact #3
The Hula dance was first preformed by men as a ritual. This dance is very smooth and each move connects in a flow manner, this is because the dance either tells a story or represents the movements of nature. Although there are different variations, all dances originate from 6 different moves.
Fact #4
Mt. Waialeale on the Island of Kauai is the second rainiest place on earth. The mountain receives 450 inches of rain a year. Kauai is the farthest point north of the Islands. It is possible to take a ride over one area of the Mt. called "The wall of Tears" which is made up of many thin water falls.
Fact #5
Natives play their flutes with their nose not their mouth. Some believe that it reflect the belief that the nose was more pure than the mouth. Some Flutes are associated with love. The flute was also used in rituals or chants in order to receive blessings.
Fact #6
Hawaii has the most animals extinct or endangered than any other state in the United States. Almost all of the native birds are extinct. Plants and animals which are brought by humans can sometimes be invasive to the Hawaii's native plants and animals.
Fact #7
Hawaii's Park Rangers receive daily packages from tourist who have taken rock and claim the goddess, Pele, goddess of fire, dance, volcanoes, and lightning has cast bad luck on them. Legend has it she was sent away by her father because of bad attitudes and being inappropriate. She was sent to Hawaii where she had many brawls. Many say she can still be seen from time to time. It is said that if you take a rock from the Volcanoes all your valuables will be destroyed.
Fact #8
Hawaii has its own time zone, and does not participate in daylight savings. Because of its location being so close to the equator, there is not much difference in the rising and setting of the sun.
There is an endless supply of facts about Hawaii that I could not fit in here. Its crazy how different places and cultures vary and to learn how they thrive in society. Many times we get stuck in our own world and think that everyone lives this way. Visiting new places will always open up your eyes. Take a chance, and take a trip.