5. Where did the Union go? | The Odyssey Online
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10 Thoughts You Have While Walking On FSU's Campus

School is back in session, you're back on campus walking around taking it all in as the new semester kicks off.

10 Thoughts You Have While Walking On FSU's Campus

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If you're like me and took the summer off, this is your first time back on campus for a couple months now, and some things may seem a little different.

1. It's so hot. 

This is a given, and most definitely a universal observation made by every single student at FSU. I definitely did not miss the 95 degree heat that comes with the beautiful FSU campus.

2. Dang, I forgot how much I have to walk. 

When you attend a college with scarce parking availability, you end up parking wherever you can. If you're lucky, you find a spot near your class. However, most of the time that is not the case and you have to walk anywhere from half a mile to a mile to get to class. In this Florida heat, you're sure to work up a sweat on your way to and from class.

3. Where is that building again? 

We all know the struggle of finding a building on this campus. Our schedules only have the three letter acronym, and there are so many buildings that it can sometimes get confusing if the class isn't in one of your major-specific buildings.

4. Am I in the right class?

You're pretty sure you're in the right room, but you're not 100% certain. Plus, if you end up in the wrong place, you run the risk of being late/missing your right class and being dropped from it due to the wonderful first-day-drop policy FSU has in place. So, inevitably, during the first week your best bet is to ask the other people in the classroom if they are there for the same class.

5. Where did the Union go?

A staple part of FSU's campus is the student union. The union was home to Market Wednesday, Subway, the UPS store, Einstein Bro's Bagels, Bowling, and so much more. However, the university recently tore it down and is rebuilding it, so campus feels a little empty without it.

6. Why isn't the University building more parking garages? 

If you are a student at FSU and have your car here, you know the all-too-real struggle of finding parking. If I had to guess, there would be 1 parking spot for every 3 or 4 students at FSU. That is ridiculous and is the recipe for extreme frustration when you need to get to class and can't find anywhere to park. FSU, please provide more student parking!!!!

7. Screw this line. 

When you go to the bookstore only to be greeted by a line of 200+ students. Nobody has time for that. Literally, you could go at any time of the day and the line will be the same length. Pro tip, go to Bill's you guys. I went to the main bookstore twice and left twice because of the line. I went to Bill's and didn't even have to wait at all.

8. How are they wearing jeans? 

We all see those few people walking around campus....in jeans...in this insane heat. You see them and just kind of tilt your head in confusion like are you comfortable? And if you are, how? How can someone wear jeans in this heat and not have a heat stroke? This is something I will never understand.

9. It's good to be back. 

Again, especially if you're like me and went home for the summer, it feels so good to finally be back on campus. Walking around campus with your 40,000 fellow Seminoles, getting back into the class routine, and waiting for the football season to start is truly an amazing feeling.

10. FSU truly has the most beautiful campus. 

A thought shared not only by Seminoles, but people all across the nation. FSU's campus is regularly voted one of the most beautiful campuses in the country, and for good reason. From the huge, ancient oaks covered in the spanish moss, to the scenic Legacy Walk, to the beautiful, characteristic red-brick buildings that make up our campus, FSU is truly a site to see.

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