With college comes a lot of change, which many people don't like. You learn how to try and cope with all the new things the best one can. However, adjusting can be difficult, especially when the biggest change is relationships.
I have noticed that people in high school tend to be more involved in drama and are mean to the friends they actually care about to make friends with the more popular crowd. In college, that all changes. Everyone feels the same struggle, and everyone wants someone who will also lay and cry with them about the next test. Friends in college are a support system. Without them, there would be even more breakdowns and a lot less fun memories.
Some advice to those that are being mean to their lifelong friends to fit in with the girl that gets all the guys and has the perfect hair — she's only temporary, and she only sees you as temporary. This is especially true if she's encouraging you to be mean to your real friends. Think before you act. Spare the feelings of the girl that actually cares about you. Your popularity isn't that important.
After high school when everyone goes their separate ways, it's hard to keep in touch and keep those relationships going. You'll have a few friends that still want to hang out on the weekends, but the majority of those people are moving on, too, so don't feel too bad. Those friendships that last through college are the ones to hang on to.
So why do I even try to keep those friends? Chances are, if you're asking yourself this question, then they weren't that important of a friend to you. The people that are meant to stay in your life will be the ones that have gone through the most with you and still love you and want to be a part of your life. Getting older has a way of bringing out the truth of things. Like in friendships.
The friendships you've put the most love and care into will be the ones that outlast all the others. Looking back, you'll find yourself wondering what you ever did without them.