My freshman year rocked! I wasn't "fresh meat" and I certainly wasn't going to be treated like it. The only thing that bothered me was anyone who called me a freshman because I didn't understand some aspects of the college experience. It wasn't super painful, but I'll admit that it annoyed me some.
Listen up, Freshmen. I've got a few words for you. The first year will be hard, but it is doable. You can achieve so much and gain so many great memories. The first thing you have to do whenever someone calls you out on what you didn't understand is that you don't flip. Sometimes my fuse is short if people treat me wrong. Breathe. Most people aren't bent on making your life horrible, it was a joke.
The second thing to do is own up to it! "Yeah, I'm a freshman, so duh I don't get everything here." You're not stupid; merely inexperienced. There will be plenty of time for you to get frustrated in college, but this isn't worth your time.
Keep in mind where you came from. Some people have to rely on talents to receive good scholarships because academics was not their strong suit. That's okay! Be proud. I once knew an awesome wrestler who busted his tail working hard at his job and at the gym so he could do well in college. He came from the wrong side of the tracks and he worked his way to college with talent — not grades. I think it's okay for some folks to know that if you knew everything about college you wouldn't be there. People forget it's another place of learning.
Another thing to keep in mind: the freshmen get to do so many things that others can't! There are some events and classes that are for freshmen only. For instance, yes, your school orientation class was probably just as boring as mine but us freshman suffered through it like champs! College is new to you. You haven't been dragged into every single thing and every single event that seniors have. You have time to breathe in the fresh scent of education and recreation before school gets even harder.
So next time someone is rude to you about your year, don't forget that you're a freshman and this year isn't about stressing. Be proud!