3. Make a list of what you will need once you get to college. | The Odyssey Online
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Freshmen, These 7 Tips Will Help Make Your Move-In 110% Less Stressful, I Promise

The summer before moving into college can be stressful and hectic, so here are some ways to reduce the chaotic climate.


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As a new freshman beginning my college journey in one week, I can surely say that this has been the most underestimated week of my life so far. From finishing textbook and dorm item purchases to making sure that I have ample time between classes to move from building to building, the stress just keeps building as the move-in date gets closer. While everything seems to be racing around you, here are tips on how to make it through the summer before college as stress-free as possible.

1. Plan moving in earlier in the summer.

As I neared my high school graduation, I decided that to make my journey into college easier, I would register myself at Target for dorm items and school supplies. I had 68 items on my list that were essential for move in. I printed out small pieces of paper that told people that I had a college registry and I slipped them into the envelopes with my graduation announcements and invitations. This allowed me to go online and choose exactly what I wanted and didn't leave people guessing when it came time for graduation gifts. Target isn't the only place to create a registry either. Places like IKEA, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and even Walmart provide registry options.

2. Pack your things before you need to.

One of the smartest things that I did this summer was pack up everything that I could before I needed to. Winter clothing, shoes, and little things that I wasn't using for the summer were packed and ready to go weeks ago as I began moving out of my parents' house. All of the items that had been gifted to me through my college registry were already in boxes, so I combined them together as much as I could into as few boxes as possible and sealed them back up. I bought a large tote for the other things in my room that I was bringing and it really helped me organize and save space while moving.

3. Make a list of what you will need once you get to college.

One of the most important things that I have been working on this past week is a list of small things that I will need when I move in. Things that you can't necessarily take with you on move-in day. Unlike most freshman, I will be living in an apartment complex on campus instead of a dorm. Things like food, toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, hand soap, and laundry detergent are all important things and shopping for them once you've made it to college can also help you get acclimated to grocery stores around campus.

4. Take time off of work the week before move-in.

I worked full time over the summer from the week before I graduated high school to the week before move-in. I was working over 40-hour weeks and was exhausted. Originally, I was going to work until August 14, then move into Baylor the 16th. I decided as it got closer that I needed to spend time with my family and friends before I headed off to college. Even though I could've used that extra week of pay, it made more sense to me to stop working before-hand. I can personally say that it was a very good decision and is allowing me to bond with my siblings and have fun with my friends before I leave.

5. Understand your parents' weird moods.

The closer that I get to starting my college journey, the more I realize my parents and their fluctuating moods and emotions towards me. Although they may be acting strange, understand they still see you as their baby, and you're finally leaving the nest to pursue your own life and that scares them. Also, note that your parents may get extra defensive over you or act extra loving and caring.

6. Get enough sleep.

Coming from someone who loves to take a nap whenever possible, it is still extremely important to be in good mental rest leading up to this time of change in your life. Sleep helps improve mood, reduce stress and allow the body to relax after such a long journey.

7. If you can, buy all your textbooks.

When college students hear the word 'textbooks' they cringe and almost hear the screams of their bank accounts. Although they may be expensive, they are important tools that help students succeed in school. I have heard from numerous people to buy them before classes start and others have said to wait until you get a class syllabus because some professors don't use the book. Personally, buying the book whether or not the professor requires it or not, allows you to have more explanations of the material and more practice than you may be able to get in class.

Finally, just know that everything is going to be alright. Stress comes and goes and we need to be strong and be the best we can possibly be!

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Warnings About College To Incoming Freshmen As Told By Gifs

College is hard, but you will make it through.

college just ahead sign

1. You will have that special "college" look to you.

2. You will feel like an adult but also feeling like a child.

3. You will have classes that are just the professor reading from their lecture slides for an hour.

4. You will need to study but also want to hang out with your friends.

5. Coffee is your best friend.

6. You don't know what you're doing 99% of the time.

7. You will procrastinate and write a paper the night before it is due.

8. Money is a mythical object.

9. It is nearly impossible to motivate yourself to go to classes during spring.

10. The food pyramid goes out the window.

11. You will have at least one stress induced breakdown a semester.

12. Most lecture classes will bore you to tears.

13. You will not like all of your professors.

14. You will try to go to the gym... but you will get too lazy at some point.

15. When you see high school students taking tours:

16. You will try to convince yourself that you can handle everything.

17. Finals week will try to kill you.

18. You won't like everyone, but you will find your best friends sooner or later.

19. You actually have to go to class.

20. Enjoy it, because you will be sad when it is all over.

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