10 Important Things To Keep In Mind Before Freshman Move-In Day
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10 Important Things To Keep In Mind Before Freshman Move-In Day

You can never be too informed before freshman move in day.

Girl in her dorm room
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Freshmen move-in day and the days after can be very overwhelming and stressful. Using these helpful ideas will make it a little easier experience for you.

The first couple of days will be hard. Trust me you will miss your family so keep your mind busy by getting involved. Your only a freshman once so make it count!

One word: space

Dorm rooms are not the biggest space but you have to make it yours. Dorms are very tiny but with the right items, it will be perfect for you. Make sure you bring all your items to make it feel like home for you. Organizers and storage containers will be your best friends.

The beds are very tall so using the space underneath is a great tip. You can use storage containers to store your stuff under the bed. It will be easy access and still look clean. It is a small space so always keep it clean but make it yours!

Try to make sure you've picked a good roommate

Your roommate is someone you will be with for a whole year. So when picking your roommate, make sure y'all share the same interest. It is best if y'all communicate before hand and get to know each other. This is really important because you are gonna be sleeping near this person and sharing a tiny room with them for a year.

Always be respectful of your roommate and their belongings because it is a much their dorm as it is yours. Your roommate and you will get to be great friends. Trust me, y'all will be around each other a lot of the time. Your roommate and you will become close so make sure you always communicate with them to keep the relationship strong.

Be Proactive

Be proactive before the first day of class. You want to get out many times to just walk the campus to make sure you know all your surroundings. You should go see where all your classes are to make sure you know where you are going. Many college students do not have much time between classes so go check out where the food court and cafe are before day one.

Being late, on day one especially freshman year can be quite embarrassing so go check out the campus before the first day of class. Just learn your way around and get to know the surroundings and it will be way easier to go places.

Get Involved

There are so many clubs and organizations to get involved in. These different clubs have different majors and interest to fit you. It is best to get involved in these opportunities because it gives you something to do when you are no in class. When you are a freshman it can be overwhelming because there are so many upperclassmen but do not let it overwhelm you. Y

ou can be as involved in campus activities as much as you chose. Clubs and organizations can also help you meet new friends. People say the friends they meet at college last for a lifetime. Getting involved could make freshman year a little easier and less overwhelming.

Be open to others having different beliefs

When going to college everyone always says do not let anyone change you. This is quite true actually. There are so many people at the university that come from many different places, states, and backgrounds. For you to stay strong about your beliefs, make sure you do not let anyone influence you.

Stay true to who you are because we all come for different cultures. You can still be nice and support others even if y'all do not have the same beliefs. Honestly y'all, we all know we always are not gonna agree with everyone's personal opinion but you can still be friends with them either way. Just always make sure you stay true to who you are and your beliefs.

Time management is key

Time management is a huge thing for college students. Your friends will always be asking you to come to hang out or go get dinner all the time. Once a week usually, there is an event happening on campus. Some students sometimes have to decide how they want to spend their time.

We would all love to go hang out with friends every night but that is not possible being a college student. You will have times you have to stay home and study instead of going out. You will have to miss the event that night to do math homework. Most college students work too, so managing your time is a big responsibility. Do not get hung up going to friends every night and miss a homework assignment. You can always get time with friends but cannot get that failing grade off your transcript.

Professors are as hard as you make them

Everyone usually dreads the first day of class because that means you meet your professor. Some are worst than others, but if you learn what they expect out of you, then you should be fine. There is also a website that you can utilize when making your schedule that tells you what past students have to say about each professor. It is called ratemyprofessor.com and it can oftentimes be a lifesaver.

Also, talking to upperclassmen helps too because usually, they have taken the class before. Professors can be hard but usually, if you're always in class most give out bonus. My best advice would be to go to class, study, & always pay attention. Never forget to take notes and study!

Speak Up

Speaking up for yourself can be more challenging for some people than others. Sometimes you just gotta stop feeling guilty and get what is bothering you off your chest. You just have to defend yourself in some situations without being rude.

In college, upperclassmen think they are in more control than you which is not true. You cannot let them run over you. You can express your opinion straight forward in a polite way. Just trust your instincts in any situation where you feel being unheard or unnoticed because learning to defend yourself can help you in all walks of life.

Be Professional

Always try to stay professional while you're in college. While you're talking to your professors or even emailing try to always talk in a professional matter. This can be extremely important because you never know when you will need a recommendation for anything. Your an adult so always try to remember that.

Try not to be on your phone during class and actually listen to the teacher. Teachers find that respectful and really appreciate when students do that. Always be prepared for class and look decent because they look at these things.

Make it Count

Most people only go to college once. When you're at college make friends but also make a lot of memories. I would go to most of the events and get involved. Take a lot of pictures to keep these memories for a lifetime. Do not ever hold back on anything because this is a once in a lifetime experience.

Some people do not even get to experience this so live it up! Make all four years count, you're only in college once so experience it why you can. These will be stories you tell your own children one day. I always hear college life = best life!

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