As midterms are starting to come, we can say that the majority of us have a hard time trying to consume everything we have learned so far in the semester. I’ve been in college for about four semesters now and I have figured out many different ways to study for midterms. Here are some ways to study for midterms:
Review concepts before, during, and after class
The best students review what they are going to cover in class by reading over the textbook, taking some good notes in class, and reviewing the material after class. It sounds like a lot but it more effective than cramming for long days and nights before the exam.
Make flashcards
As a college student, this is one of my favorite ways to study for any exam. Nothing beats flashcards as a study tool! They are an easy way to notate important concepts for future studying and review before the exam.
Schedule regular time for study
For classes that you go more than once a week, schedule a weekly time to review and do work for each class. If you don’t have homework or notes to review, re-work problems or re-work study flashcards, and plan ahead.
Consolidate frequently
Once a concept has been introduced, make sure to thread it into your study and review on a regular basis. For some classes, this means reviewing all of your notes every week. For other classes, it’s a matter of consciously working past concepts into discussions. Return frequently to previously covered concepts to keep them fresh and utilize them as you’re progressing. As you build connections between concepts, you broaden your understanding of the material. The greater a web of knowledge you can create for yourself, the better.