For the most part, I love writing for Odyssey. This site gives me a well-recognized platform to share my thoughts and opinions. I get to work on my writing skills and become more confident in sharing my work with others. However, as I'm entering my sixth month writing for the site, I'll be the first to admit that writers don't always put forth their best effort on every article. Being asked to create a unique, entertaining, and totally relatable piece every week can be a challenge. So when writer's block strikes and you still need to submit something before the deadline we're left with works like "Watch These 10 Movies Before the 25th" or "We Need to Talk About Perfume Commercials". (Yes, I wrote both of those articles. No, I am not proud).
While the number of "an open letter to . . . " and "11 reasons why. . . " articles grows, so do the critics of Odyssey. And while some of the critics are downright rude, others have valid points and share them in a constructive way.
I was scrolling through my twitter feed yesterday when I saw a retweet from an account called "Odyssey Rejects". Bracing myself for another harsh criticism of the site I clicked on the handle to read more tweets and was pleasantly surprised. "Odyssey Rejects" is a hilarious spoof of Odyssey that tweets rejected titles for articles who couldn't make it past editing. And although these titles are supposed to be jokes, I did notice some totally relatable ones I would actually love to read like:
1. "How to Get That Natural Summer Glow, as Told by Donald Trump"
Is there anyone better to help you get ready for summer than a man who clearly understands the importance of self-tanner?
2. "13 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Trust Anyone Who Eats Taco Bell Before 10 p.m. While Completely Sober"
Taco Bell's meat is made out of 88 percent beef and 12 percent secret recipe. This should not be your favorite place to eat.
3. "Six Reasons We Should All Aspire to Be Like Angelica from Rugrats"
This three year old has a positive self-image, knows her worth and sets goals for herself. Despite the whole total-brat thing, not the worst role model.
4."500 Words on Summer Makeup Trends Inspired By American Horror Story: Asylum"
Finally, an eyeliner tutorial I know I can't mess up!
5. "12 Reasons Why You Should Quit School and Become a Rapper, as Told By Someone From Your Hometown"
Believe me, we all know that kid.
So go follow @OdysseyRejects on Twitter right now. And, who knows? Maybe next week you'll be reading "Why Love Isn't Real, as Told by Gordo from Lizzie McGuire".