Sunday, May 8, 2016. This was Mother's Day. You have been sick for a while now. You were all the way out in California at the hospital, unconscious and slowly on your way home to Heaven. Monday rolls around and at any moment that you would take your last breath and I knew it too. That day was extremely hard. I was just waiting for that phone call to come. About 3:30 p.m. I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from school. I was scrolling through my Facebook feed to see if there were any updates about you. I read my aunt's post that said you went home to Jesus. My heart broke into a billion pieces and I began to cry. I could not believe that you were gone, Grandma.
All the memories began to flash back in my head. Memories such as playing in your front yard with my cousins when I was little, coming over for family dinner, playing card games, holiday dinners, and so much more. I remember how you always hated being called your name which was Mildred Ruth. Millie for short. I secretly liked it. Instead, we called you Grandma Miki which was cute too. Oh, how I remember the story my dad told me about how you left my uncle at a gas station when he was little, and how you didn't believe my dad when he said Uncle Charlie wasn't in the car, you looked in the rear view mirror, said some choice words and turned the car around. That story always cracks me up! Of course, I have many more memories of you. Your laugh, your hugs and your smile. I miss it all so much. I miss you, Grandma.
As I sit here and write this, I know you are smiling down on me. You aren't hurting anymore and I know you love me so much. You are an angel now. One of my angels. I know I will see you again someday and I can't wait for that to happen. I'm still grieving about the fact that I can't be in California with the rest of the family, but don't worry. I'll come see your grave soon. Until then, I know it is going to be OK. I love you, Grandma Miki. My angel in Heaven.