I think we’ve all experienced this ashamed feeling as we ever so slowly walk away from the produce section and into the candy section of a grocery store. The scenery changes from many healthy people placing green things into bags, to an empty aisle that could have a tumbleweed pass through any minute. We leave our shopping cart behind for fear that someone will hear its shrill screeching from the rusted wheels, and we quickly dash through the aisle, careful not to linger too long in any one particular area or else the other customers, or worse, people you know, see you staring at carefully arranged rows of inviting chocolate bars. Yet despite our plan to not spend a long time in this forbidden zone, the vast amount of choices are so daunting, that they need careful consideration. So we grab a few things that we like, stroll back to our cart, and wander away to a less crowded area where we can analyze our findings while partially peering over our shoulder just to make sure no one saw us leaving that deserted aisle.
Today, thousands if not millions of us have this problem. We are all ashamed to admit that we’re human! We don’t always want what's good for us, sometimes we want the bad things (like Trump). We want those late night movie snacks that melt in our mouths, not those strange looking green monsters they call kale chips. After eating celery for so long because everyone thought it helps you lose weight (it doesn’t!), the time has come to have some chocolate from that forbidden aisle. Because while incorrect facts such as “celery helps you lose weight” propagate, everyone seems to forget the truth that chocolate does make people happy. That is hard science everyone and if you don’t believe me, well then, ask the know-it-all Google and he’ll tell ya. So put down that green drink filled with three vegetables you know, one you don’t, and antioxidants that you think are good but actually don't know what the hell they are, and instead pick up a chocolate bar.
Be happy folks!