Throughout your life, there will be people who try and knock you down. People who think the only way they can get ahead is to tear you apart or people who kill your confidence without realizing. It's not always obvious, but with the competitiveness of today's society, people will try and hurt you; you can't let it define you. People don't get the right to label you and tell you who are you are.
There will always be teachers and coaches who make you feel like you aren't good enough. They talk down to you and point out your stupid answers. They make you feel like you're the worst person sitting on the bench. They murder your passion for the game or the subject and make you feel unimportant. But you shouldn't let them stop you from loving a sport or a certain area of study. Let their mean words push you harder. Study harder and practice more. Prove them wrong. Odds are that you're the best person on the bench and the smartest in the class. Make them see that. Don't let them kill your confidence.
There's always going to be a peer that you compete with. Whether it be in sports, academics, theater, clubs, or student government, they will constantly tell you that you suck at the activity or they will make sly comments, hinting that they are better then you. They tear you down because you're a threat and they're jealous. Their words can't break you and prevent you from doing what you love. Don't let them kill your confidence.
There will always be mean girls. That one "friend" who makes you feel like a pariah. Maybe she started a group chat with all your friends except you or she didn't invite you to a party. As you hear your name whispered behind your back, it's easy to feel out of place, like you don't belong. Maybe you just need better friends- new friends- but don't let the mean girls stop you from having fun. Society's bullies are sneaky today and although she may not be physically shoving you into lockers, the emotional pain her words cause you is equivalent. Don't let them kill your confidence.
We can't escape these people; their appearance in our lives is inevitable. However, we can fight back. We can stop them from winning by not succumbing to the labels they give us. These people do not know you and do not have the right to tell you you aren't good enough. Don't let them win. Don't stay home from a party because of them. Don't lose your love for a sport because of them. Don't forget an academic passion because of them. Don't stop enjoying life because of them. Don't let them kill your confidence. Because then they win.